@BogLoper Then you should be asking for more protected and interconnected bike lanes: the more people on bikes, the less the risk of traffic jams, so eventually the better it is for people who really need to drive.
And for the hills: for reasonably abled people, most hills are doable once you accept to go slowly and have adjusted out of the sedentary lifestyle car culture pushes on us. And for real steep hill or people with physical limitations, electric-assisted bikes do exist and work quite well.
(source: I was an overweight although able-bodied middle-aged man with no sport history and recovering from a stroke when I decided to take #cycleToWork as a way to force myself out of my chair to limit the recurrence risk, and live on the slope of a hill with a 10% grade, and still use an acoustic bike)
@havoc Still seems a sysphean task when talking road sides.
I'm part of the #1DéchetParJour (1 trash item per day) movement here in France, and I do it during my #cycleToWork .
But there are so few of us vs so many dirty drivers that even restricting myself to soda cans (easy to pick and hold on the bike until the next trash can), I don't seem to make a dent.
I think that one of the problem is that when commuting by car, you go through places you'd never stop in, and too fast to really look at them, so you don't feel engaged with the local environment.