Have we told you how to #RSVP for the #FancyWomanBikeRide in #Edmonton? It's not required, but it does give us a sense of the numbers to expect (last year 120 came on the ride!), and it's an easy link to share with friends not using social media:
#FWBRyeg #FWBR2023 #yegbike #RidingInHeels #CycleChic #BikeTooter
#rsvp #fancywomanbikeride #edmonton #fwbryeg #fwbr2023 #yegbike #ridinginheels #cyclechic #biketooter
RT @MomentumMag@twitter.com
Embrace the snow! What do you enjoy about winter biking?
#urbancycling #bicyclelove #bicyclelife #bicycles #slowbiking #citybikes #cyclechic
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MomentumMag/status/1593724967870689280
#urbancycling #bicyclelove #bicyclelife #bicycles #slowbiking #citybikes #cyclechic
@rk @jliska @jamesbicycle
True. With small caveat that Strava is probably (my assumption) used more by the sport/lycra crowd than the #CycleChic crowd (though some are the same ppl) so the heat map will be a bit biased away from practical cycle transport & #Quaxxing and toward places of #HighSpeedExercise
So, the shortcuts & #DesireLines deserve even more attention than heatmaps would suggest. :welp:
#DesireLines #highspeedexercise #quaxxing #cyclechic
@jamesbicycle @jliska
Yes, we've been to weddings, banquets, AGMs, job interviews, parties, etc by bike. I wouldn't want to arrive in mud splattered rain-gear at something formal. It's not like the (fendered) bike is doing the splattering. This is why we prefer destinations (weddings, parties, job offers, etc) close to the #Meewasin Trail System.
Have you seen www.copenhagencyclechic.com ? Brilliant!
If you can't "#DressForYourDestination" how practical can #cycling ever be? #CycleChic
#meewasin #cyclechic #cycling #dressforyourdestination
Au bon tweet du vendredi (je traduis) :
"Si seulement ils savaient combien cette façon de se déplacer au quotidien est spéciale.
Voici un enfant installé devant en train de lire un livre, sa mère pédale en mode #CycleChic vêtue d'un pantalon léopard, et la fillette se tient debout sur le porte-bagage et profite de la vue. Voilà la vie bonne !"
Source : https://twitter.com/AmericanFietser/status/1314529132982697984