Odd to think that when I first wrote about my "New Idea: the Cargo Bike Club" https://kimharding.net/blog/new-idea-the-cargo-bike-club/ 12 years ago, no one was talking about cargo bike sharing. Now it seems very much like an idea whose time has come.
#CargoBikes #CyclingMastodon #Cycling #CycleLobby #ThisMachineFightsClimateChange
#thismachinefightsclimatechange #cyclelobby #cycling #cyclingmastodon #cargobikes
I see Sasha Taylpr @CEO_thebikestation has arrived on Mastodon
#cycling #cyclelobby #cyclingmastodon
How appropriate for #CyclingMastodon #CycleLobby #EvilCycleLobby #UKCyclingTweeps but should that now be #UKCyclingToots?
#ukcyclingtoots #ukcyclingtweeps #evilcyclelobby #cyclelobby #cyclingmastodon