Taking parcels to the post office today I stopped by a roundabout which temporarily has "bicycle art" on it. I then cycled on to a DIY shop to buy insulation because with the removal of the gas supply last winter we need to insulate the one relatively uninsulated room which remains in our home. That room was the boiler room but as there are no longer any gas appliances in our home we can reclaim it.
We're striving to reduce our environmental footprint in every way that we can.
And why do we have "bicycle art" on all the roundabouts in Assen at the moment ? Because the Road Cycling European Championships, "the pinnacle of cycling events on our continent" are going to be here in Drenthe on 20-24th of September.
There will be five days of events in all, 1000 riders will fly in from 40 different countries to ride their bikes for a few km, accompanied the whole time by ludicrous numbers of support and press vehicles as well as a few helicopters, and then they'll fly home again.
It will be spectacular but it's also incredibly irresponsible. International sport, including cycling, has a **huge** carbon footprint. It is literally killing people and needs to stop.
#cycling #biketooter #ek #roadcycling #cycleracing #bicycleart #assen #uec #drenthe
#cycling #BikeTooter #EK #roadcycling #cycleracing #BicycleArt #Assen #uec #drenthe
https://www.cyclingeu.com/39419/a-day-for-the-sprinters-in-the-low-countries-renewi-tour-2023-highlights-stage-1/ A day for the sprinters in the Low Countries | Renewi Tour 2023 Highlights – Stage 1 #៖ #Belgium #BeneluxTour #Bicycling #BikeRacing #Biking #BinckbankTour #CycleRacing #Cycling #CyclingBelgium #GCN #GcnCycling #GcnGlobalCyclingNetwork #GcnHighlights #GcnRacing #GlobalCyclingNetwork #highlights #LiveProCycling #ProCycling #racing #RenewiTour #RenewiTour2023 #RenewiTour2023Highlights #RenewiTourHighlights #RoadRacing #sports #UciWorldTour #WatchCycling #ፕ6 #ទ #ភ #ᢤ #𑢻
#belgium #beneluxtour #bicycling #bikeracing #biking #binckbanktour #cycleracing #cycling #cyclingbelgium #gcn #gcncycling #gcnglobalcyclingnetwork #gcnhighlights #gcnracing #globalcyclingnetwork #highlights #liveprocycling #procycling #racing #renewitour #renewitour2023 #renewitour2023highlights #renewitourhighlights #roadracing #sports #uciworldtour #watchcycling #ፕ6 #ទ #ភ #ᢤ #𑣛
https://www.cyclingeu.com/33336/as-cool-as-a-cucumber-fabio-jakobsen-wins-the-sprint-stage-in-style-at-the-tour-of-denmark/ As cool as a cucumber, Fabio Jakobsen wins the sprint stage in style at the Tour of Denmark! #៕ #Bicycling #BikeRacing #Biking #CycleRacing #Cycling #CyclingDenmark #Denmark #FabioJakobsen #GCN #GcnCycling #GcnGlobalCyclingNetwork #GcnHighlights #GcnRacing #GlobalCyclingNetwork #highlights #LiveProCycling #ProCycling #racing #RoadRacing #sports #WatchCycling #ኮ #ፕ27 #𑢻
#bicycling #bikeracing #biking #cycleracing #cycling #cyclingdenmark #denmark #fabiojakobsen #gcn #gcncycling #gcnglobalcyclingnetwork #gcnhighlights #gcnracing #globalcyclingnetwork #highlights #liveprocycling #procycling #racing #roadracing #sports #watchcycling #ኮ #ፕ27 #𑣛
https://www.cyclingeu.com/26796/italys-lorenzo-milesi-takes-home-the-rainbow-jersey-becoming-world-champion-of-the-mens-u23-itt/ Italy’s Lorenzo Milesi takes home the rainbow jersey, becoming World Champion of the Men’s U23 ITT! #Bicycling #BicyclingItaly #BikeRacing #Biking #CycleRacing #Cycling #GCN #GcnCycling #GcnGlobalCyclingNetwork #GcnHighlights #GcnRacing #GlobalCyclingNetwork #highlights #italy #LiveProCycling #LorenzoMilesi #ProCycling #racing #RoadRacing #sports #WatchCycling #ኮ #ፕ27 #ឥ #ᠶ #𑢻
#bicycling #bicyclingitaly #bikeracing #biking #cycleracing #cycling #gcn #gcncycling #gcnglobalcyclingnetwork #gcnhighlights #gcnracing #globalcyclingnetwork #highlights #italy #liveprocycling #lorenzomilesi #procycling #racing #roadracing #sports #watchcycling #ኮ #ፕ27 #ឥ #ᠶ #𑣛
For the first time this tour, Jasper Philipsen didn't deviate from his line and almost run a person into a barrier, and he lost. Go figure. #TourDeFrance #TourDeFrance23 #Cycling #RoadCycling #CycleRacing
#tourdefrance #tourdefrance23 #cycling #roadcycling #cycleracing
A stellar #Summer day for the 5th and final stage of the #NZCycleClassic, winding through the streets of downtown #Wellington. #Cycling #CycleRacing
#summer #nzcycleclassic #wellington #cycling #cycleracing
Wonder if we could come up with a rival to craigslist and/or pinkbike here to buy/sell bikes?
#cycling #procycling #safecycling #cycletouring #mountainbiking #trackcycling #roadcycling #bicycles #bikesharing #bikemaintenance #cyclelanes #cyclocross #cycleracing #electricbicycles #biketooters #velophants #tourdefrance #giro #vuelta #cobbledclassics #bikes
#cycling #procycling #safecycling #cycletouring #mountainbiking #trackcycling #roadcycling #bicycles #BikeSharing #bikemaintenance #cyclelanes #cyclocross #cycleracing #electricbicycles #biketooters #velophants #TourDeFrance #giro #vuelta #cobbledclassics #bikes
If you’re into #cycling #procycling #safecycling #cycletouring #mountainbiking #trackcycling #roadcycling #bicycles #bikesharing #bikemaintenance #cyclelanes #cyclocross #cycleracing #electricbicycles #biketooters #velophants #tourdefrance #giro #vuelta #cobbledclassics #bikes in general, follow @velophants and see posts from like minded people. There is no 1 admin for the group. It’s an open forum for cycling fans + bike folks on Mastodon. Share the group. #sharetheloveofvelo
#cycling #procycling #safecycling #cycletouring #mountainbiking #trackcycling #roadcycling #bicycles #bikesharing #bikemaintenance #cyclelanes #cyclocross #cycleracing #electricbicycles #biketooters #velophants #tourdefrance #giro #vuelta #cobbledclassics #bikes #sharetheloveofvelo
If you’re into #cycling #procycling #safecycling #cycletouring #mountainbiking #trackcycling #roadcycling #bicycles #bikesharing #bikemaintenance #cyclelanes #cyclocross #cycleracing #electricbicycles #biketooters #velophants #tourdefrance #giro #vuelta #cobbledclassics #bikes in general, follow @velophants - a group you can follow and see posts from like minded people. There is no 1 admin for the group. It’s an open forum for cycling fans + bike folks on Mastodon. #sharetheloveofvelo
#cycling #procycling #safecycling #cycletouring #mountainbiking #trackcycling #roadcycling #bicycles #bikesharing #bikemaintenance #cyclelanes #cyclocross #cycleracing #electricbicycles #biketooters #velophants #tourdefrance #giro #vuelta #cobbledclassics #bikes #sharetheloveofvelo