Your have to wonder how a local representative can think something like this is a good idea in a week that has seen horrific carnage on our roads and in a year that has seen the highest death rate in years. People walking and cycling are disproportionately impacted by road violence and segregated, safe, infrastructure is essential to making our roads safer.
It's the last Friday of the month and that can only mean one thing...the #IBikeBop!
Join @IBIKEDublin and @monthlycycles for a leisurely cycle around the streets of Dublin this evening. Meet at Parnell Square opposite the Hugh Lane Gallery for a 6pm start. As always, the tunes have been selected by @clickhere and you're in for some real treats tonight!
#IBIKEBop #criticalmass #CriticalMassDUB #dublin #cyclingindublin
I travelled to Longford by bike and train today for a meeting and I have to say the drivers in Longford town were nothing but courteous to me on the road.
I got back to Dublin and within two minutes of leaving the station I had been close passed twice.
The second driver then went on to drive down the bus lane on Pearse Street, past Pearse Street Garda Station, through the bus gate at College Green and on to Dame Street.
#cultureofimpunity #cyclingindublin
"There has to be a renewed focus towards enforcing illegal parking that blocks footpaths, parking that blocks cycle lanes, parking that blocks bus lanes, As opposed to revenue protection." - @Feljin speaking to @dublininquirer
#ActiveTravel #CyclingInDublin #LiveableCities #SustainableTransport
#activetravel #cyclingindublin #LiveableCities #sustainabletransport
One of the reasons I cycle to work is that it is less stressful than driving in the city. This morning's commute put that theory to the test though.
As I was waiting to pull out of a side road a taxi driver on the main road pulled in and parked on the footpath, mandatory cycle lane and double yellow lines driving right up to me, blocking my view of oncoming traffic.
He then called me a c**t because I wasn't getting out of HIS way.
1. On double yellow lines
2. On a mandatory cycle lane
3. Opposite a continuous white line
4. Within 5m of a junction
How many more laws does this driver have to break before An Garda Síochána will act?
#cultureofimpunity #cyclingindublin
#RathminesBikeLaneCount 1 vehicle, a white van, the driver of which was running down the road after a passerby who had the audacity to take a photo of the van after the driver had hopped the kerb with the van and narrowly missed running him down. I caught up with the passerby, who was understandably a bit shaken and urged him to go straight to the Garda Station around the corner.
#rathminesbikelanecount #cyclingindublin #walkingindublin
Music-filled cycles in #Dublin City this evening, and in #Waterford on Saturday
#CyclingInDublin #CriticalMass #CriticalMassDUB #IBIKEBop @IBIKEDublin @monthlycycles
#dublin #waterford #cyclingindublin #criticalmass #CriticalMassDUB #IBIKEBop
Rally tomorrow at 5pm on O'Connell Street to highlight the experiences of theft, violence and poor pay of delivery riders in Dublin and to put pressure on the Gardaí and Government to act.
#cyclingindublin #dublin #gigeconomy
@sinabhfuil it's the same all across the city. In the absence of any enforcement, unless people are physically prevented from parking on cycle lanes, they will continue to park on them. #CyclingInDublin
This is a sensible distinction between pedal-assist ebikes, which will be treated as bicycles, and throttle bikes (including some more powerful pedal-assist bikes), which will be treated as electric mopeds under the law.
#cyclingindublin #activetravel
I know it's wrong to generalise but there's a definite correlation between expensive cars and aggressive and entitled driving, as exemplified by the driver of this Jaguar who tried to force me off the road on my commute home earlier this week, and then shouted abuse at me out his window claiming that I had cycled "straight at him".
#cyclingindublin #motonormativity
It's just a pity there's no safe route from the cycle track to the GAA club entrance. You'd imagine lots of kids locally could be cycling to the club if there was.
#cyclingindublin #gaagreenclubs
Last Thursday, the Irish Times published an article painting a picture of local division around proposed plans for the Dodder Greenway through Milltown.
it was a complete fabrication.
Kevin Dennehy, chair of the Dodder Action group sets the record straight on today's letters page. The proposed route, skirting the perimeter of Milltown Golf Club practice putting green is supported by walkers, cyclers, anglers and environmentalists.
#DodderGreenway #CyclingInDublin
#doddergreenway #cyclingindublin
The case for the restriction of car movement through the city centre couldn't be clearer.
Imagine if instead of tolling the M50 we tolled the city centre? Imagine what a difference it could make to the liveability of the city centre if we removed two thirds of the cars?
- Less congestion
- More space for walking and cycling
- Better air quality
- Less noise pollution
- Safer roads
- And a more attractive and pleasant place to live, to work and to play
Maybe another sign will fix it? 🤷
#roadsafety #cyclingindublin #cultureofimpunity
So on yesterday's #CyclingInDublin commute home, I got passed by a taxi doing 80 to 90 in a 60 zone, dangerously close - maybe 30cm instead of 150. Caught him at the next lights (as you do!) and got his plate number photo'ed. Also looks like he has no insurance cert displayed. NTA say I've to go to a Garda carriage office. I only have photos, no video. Worth doing, or a waste of time?
May also be time to invest in a camera...
In Dublin on Friday for a conference
Cycling from Hueston to Trinity, any advice Dublin people? #dublin #CyclingInDublin
Where else in the city would you be comfortable letting your ten year old be this far away from you?
#cyclingindublin #LiveableCities