A quality solo ride into yesterday while everyone else was watching the . A quick coffee at The Wizard Tea Rooms after going up Artists Lane before the home stretch. 75km in glorious sunshine (remember that?) and happy in the knowledge it's pissing down at my Mum's in . They need it! Lovely to spend time with Peadar the , too. I've had this bike for over 20 years and I've no idea how old it actually is as I got it second hand from a proper racer!

#Cheshire #TourOfBritain #chipiona #pinarello #cycling #fromwhereiride #outsideisfree #BikeTooter #biketoot #pinarellomarvel #peadarthepinarello #cyclingisawesome #getoutside #cyclingislife #vegancyclist

Last updated 1 year ago

Today's was what Monday's would have been if I hadn't gotten double impact punctures on the . Not a problem on and never lets me down! 55km done heading south from mine to just past and turn for home at . After Wilmslow is where this shared path section starts and takes you all the way to , near , about 5km. Sweet! Got home just as my wife rang our son for tech support on how to tether her phone to her Chromebook while she was at her brother's. Invoice is emailed!

#manchesterairport #ride #pinarellomarvel #tubeless #osgartheorro #wilmslow #woodford #hazelgrove #stockport #orro #cycling #orrobikes #BikeTooter #biketoot #fromwhereiride #outsideisfree #cyclingislife #mrscaseystechsupporthowcanihelp #cyclingisawesome

Last updated 1 year ago

Sneaked out yesterday afternoon for @ 40km doing some local lumps. Just about 10km from home you really get into the hills if you head north and/or east. Lovely countryside, hard as nails, but so rewarding. This photo is from the top of near . It's a three step climb, short but very steep on the steps! I love riding my .

#lydgate #mossley #bike #BikeTooter #biketoot #duks #dukinfieldcc #dukinfield #hyde #denton #audenshaw #ashtonunderlyne #droylsden #tameside #cycling #groupcycling #clubrun #clubrides #ridewithothers #outsideisfree #fromwhereiride #lovecycling #enjoycycling #cyclingislife #comecycling #joinacyclingclub #allwelcome

Last updated 1 year ago

Brendan Casey · @scarface9toes
109 followers · 370 posts · Server techhub.social

Another excellent Dukinfield CC ride, this time to Farm Made Tearooms at , with Jane and Paul Nyland, Danny and Emidio. The cafe is in a glorious setting, near the bottom of . And you get the chance to see . The only drawback today was my chain snapping at the bottom of the Climb Of Doom, a.k.a. . I managed to get that sorted but walked up the climb as I didn't want to risk using my excessive wattage again in case I snapped it one more time. So that's a new chain and cassette I'll be ordering..

#rainow #blazehill #whitenancy #chadkirk #duks #dukinfieldcc #dukinfield #hyde #denton #audenshaw #ashtonunderlyne #droylsden #tameside #cycling #groupcycling #clubrun #clubrides #ridewithothers #outsideisfree #fromwhereiride #lovecycling #enjoycycling #cyclingislife #comecycling #joinacyclingclub #allwelcome

Last updated 1 year ago

Brendan Casey · @scarface9toes
102 followers · 331 posts · Server techhub.social

About 10km from home on Sunday (I'd done @ 93km around the lanes by this point) I nabbed a shot of the Phil Foden mural on the corner of Wycliffe Street and George's Road in Stockport. For scale, I rested Osgar the Orro by our Phil. Phil is #47 for Manchester City FC and a lad. He's a top, top, top player. Mural by MANCHESTER MURALS (so it says!).

#Cheshire #stockport #philfoden #mancityfc #manchestermurals #duks #dukinfieldcc #dukinfield #hyde #denton #audenshaw #ashtonunderlyne #droylsden #tameside #cycling #groupcycling #clubrun #clubrides #ridewithothers #outsideisfree #fromwhereiride #lovecycling #enjoycycling #cyclingislife #comecycling #joinacyclingclub #allwelcome

Last updated 2 years ago

bobiko :verified: · @bobiko
216 followers · 1489 posts · Server 101010.pl

Dziwny to dzień był. Nastawiłem się na jakąs 💯+ km ale szybko zweryfikowałem plany z powodu

Grypa swoje zrobiła, więc muszę uzbroić się w cierpliwość i dać sobie czas na powrót do formy.


#wmordewind #biketoot #gravel #neverstopexploring #rower #cyclingislife #cyclingmastodon #spring #pixe6pro #pixelteam

Last updated 2 years ago

Brendan Casey · @scarface9toes
92 followers · 256 posts · Server techhub.social

It is way more windy outside than I desire. I don't like riding my bike in the wind, but I will, cause I can't not ride! Riding is life!!!!

#cycling #fitness #cyclingislife

Last updated 2 years ago

Brendan Casey · @scarface9toes
82 followers · 223 posts · Server techhub.social

I did my longest ride since the end of October earlier. 40km round trip. The halfway point was the top of what we call "The Horse and Jockey" climb, which is the road that goes from to the junction with the A62, road. That's where this image was taken. I put the 40mm tyres back on my the other week and they still sing! It was great to get out with two riding buddies, Lauren and Dougie, too. 2 hours of fun and not too many cars about. Love it!

#uppermill #oldham #huddersfield #Continental #orroterrachydro #orrobikes #BikeTooter #biketoot #cycling #groupcycling #clubrun #clubrides #ridewithothers #outsideisfree #fromwhereiride #lovecycling #enjoycycling #cyclingislife #comecycling

Last updated 2 years ago