#Transport for #London Have Your Say:
Improving our junctions for pedestrians and #cyclists as part of the proposed Cycleway 51
Consultation end date: 16 October 2023
Hi fellow #Cyclists and #Cycletouring enthusiasts. Have any of you had experience as a user or host on #warm_showers or any equivalent?
I toyed with the idea of joining up a couple of years ago and then COVID sent the world to hell in a handcart but I'm considering it again so any thoughts would be interesting.
#warm_showers #cycletouring #cyclists
To all #runners, #cyclists, #bodybuilders #atheletes and pretty much anyone doing any form of exercise.
If you are not taking regular ice baths you are not serious about your sport.
According to pretty much all social media platforms. Except Mastodon.
Just putting this out there so you know you get your shit together, buy an ice bath and get in it.
And if poss, make yourself young, blonde, and a bit annoying too. hat's seems to be how it works best.
#runners #cyclists #bodybuilders #atheletes
@achadwick the #goal isn't #safety ... The goal is to both #placate #cyclists and minimize cost particularly incurred from #liability
#goal #safety #placate #cyclists #liability
"..now, the country’s climate-friendliest mode of transportation besides walking is at risk, as national lawmakers slash the budget for bike lanes – and Filipino #cyclists are organizing to ensure that the silver lining in the #pandemic leads to lasting improvements in #BicycleInfrastructure." #Philippines
Can #MetroManila’s #CyclingBoom survive a return to #CarTraffic?
#cartraffic #cyclingboom #metromanila #philippines #bicycleinfrastructure #pandemic #cyclists
Beaverton: Hero driver taps lightly on brakes before plowing into cyclist https://www.thebeaverton.com/2023/08/hero-driver-taps-lightly-on-brakes-before-plowing-into-cyclist/ #satire #canada #commentary #Lifestyle #cyclists #driving
#satire #Canada #commentary #lifestyle #cyclists #driving
What was good today is that #Corran #ferry is broken and cars need a long detour to reach the road we were taking to go there. So we had a quiet scenic road from #Strontian mostly for ourselves.
What was cool is that the #Scottish #Highland council maintains a foot passengers and #cyclists ferry there... and it's for free! (Apart from the #NHS) I don't think I had ever had a great service for free in #Britain :) So, much appreciated!
#corran #ferry #strontian #scottish #highland #cyclists #nhs #britain
Today we were #cycling our way from #Strontian to #Glencoe. Great scenery, but after crossing with the ferry not such good road conditions...
I appreciate a lot of the #British ways, but not when it comes to #road #planning and #driving wrt #cyclists and #pedestrians.
A rant. 1/n
#cycling #strontian #glencoe #british #road #planning #driving #cyclists #pedestrians
Photos from today's gravel ride, courtesy of the inimitable Tim Brown. We rode on the "grid roads" (square intersecting rural gravel roads) on the outskirts of Saskatoon.
Tim, it was an absolute pleasure to do a social ride with you once again!
#GravelBike #GravelCycling #Bike #Bikes #Cycling #Cyclist #Cyclists #Bicycle #Bicycling #YXE #Saskatoon
#Saskatoon #yxe #bicycling #bicycle #cyclists #cyclist #cycling #bikes #bike #gravelcycling #gravelbike
Today was often wet, which was fine as we were staying in the same accommodation as yesterday. And above #Strontian, there's a good place for some easy #mountainBiking, with a rocky path, a #singleTrack one and great views.
Tomorrow due to be dryer, we'll be off to #Glencoe by the road and #ferry - which accepts only #foot passengers and #cyclists at present!
#strontian #mountainbiking #singletrack #glencoe #ferry #foot #cyclists #cycling #scotland #mtb
@EricLawton @pezmico it's what I call "#DeathStrip" because it's more lethal than the #GDR's border whilst forcing cyclists into the #dooringzone and incentivizing illegally tight takeovers by cars.
Also #AssholeDriving #Wankers don't just target #Cyclists but even #Scooters and full-size #Motorcycles even if they literally drive at speed limit for the road...
#motorcycles #scooters #cyclists #wankers #assholedriving #DooringZone #gdr #deathstrip
People can be such bags of butthole to #cyclists. I was just driving the car and turning right. This means crossing the bike lane. Naturally, when a cyclist approached, I chose to stop and let them pass instead of running them over.
Cyclists’ hopes resurfacing will fix ‘one of longest potholes in the city’
#Southampton #bitternepark #Southampton #localnews #roadworks #cyclists #cycling
#cycling #cyclists #roadworks #localnews #bitternepark #southampton
Ja, hier geht der Veloweg lang ... #FahrradFreitag in England ...
Yes, that's the way ... #CycleFriday in England
Wer hilft mit, den Hashtag #FahrradFreitag zu pushen?
Who joins the #CycleFriday Bubble - there are lots of #cyclists out there ...
#fahrradfreitag #cyclefriday #cyclists #cycling #veLove #velorution
re: https://twitter.com/cyclesixmile/status/1688603935672582144
The microplastic and pollution from the tires will kill communities and ecosystems, like with every other car.
There is no escaping the illogic of 2,000+ pound vehicles designed to carry 200 pounds of people. (The vehicle seen below will weigh 5000 lbs)
Also on the low-data, low-energy #permacomputing discussion and info-sharing tool Groundtalk: https://groundtalk.land/#2023-08-08T11:41:33.195+00:00
#CarFree #Cars #FuckCars #Pollution #Microplastics #TirePollution #Bollards #SafeStreets #PublicSpace #Transit #Bikes #Walking #Bicyclists #Bicycles #Cyclists #Pedestrians
#permacomputing #carfree #cars #fuckcars #pollution #microplastics #tirepollution #bollards #safestreets #publicspace #transit #bikes #walking #bicyclists #bicycles #cyclists #pedestrians
'Government re-launch THINK! campaign in continued drive to improve road safety'
'Campaign reminds people of important changes to the Highway Code.'
This is needed - some drivers have forgotten the need to give 1.5m+ clearance when overtaking cyclists. It would be nice to see proactive campaigns by local Police too.
#cycling #walking #driving #motorists #cyclists #bikes #Bicycle #bicycles #HighwayCode #UK
#UK #HighwayCode #bicycles #Bicycle #bikes #cyclists #motorists #driving #walking #Cycling
#cicloviaggiatori #cyclists #concorso #contest #BikeTooter
#cycling #velophants #fahrrad
La stazione delle biciclette organizza il concorso estivo
#cicloviaggiatori #cyclists #concorso #contest #BikeTooter #cycling #velophants #fahrrad
Heute 3 1/2 Stunden heroischer Kampf gegen den Scirocco. Schön heiß, aber leider auch sehr schwül und sturmstark... Da sich heiße Luft nicht gut abbilden lässt, hier das Bild einer Gedenkkerze. #bikelikeyoumeanit #cycling #cyclinglife #cyclists #Fahrradurlaub #Radwandern
#Radwandern #Fahrradurlaub #cyclists #cyclinglife #cycling #bikelikeyoumeanit