Seeing reports of power returning to Hospital Hill, Ahuriri, and several suburbs of Napier, Hawkes Bay.
@witchnwords Hopefully you’ll be getting some soon! #CycloneGarbrielle
My friends in New Zealand are okay! 💟
I have been waiting to hear from them because they live where the cyclone was. They have been without power for 6 days now. Their cell service was just restored so they just responded to messages I sent.
#gratefulbee #cyclonegarbrielle
Damn. We're going to have to import construction workers. Residential, commercial, and civil. That's a lot of work. #CycloneGarbrielle
That was intense. Huge branch just splintered off a large totara right next to my house. I heard the initial crack, stuck my head out the window and then heard the rest of it coming down. Initially I thought it might have been the whole tree, which has always been a bit of a fear of mine. Luckily it was only two large branches & they miraculously missed my fence and landed in the neighbor's yard. On the plus side it will mean a heap more light gets into my place from now on. #cyclonegarbrielle
Trees still doing it tough. Ground is so waterlogged they are struggling to stay upright. #CycloneGarbrielle
Seeing #CycloneGarbrielle photos from Napier, knowing mums now without power/contact - and that Taradale etc. has been evac’d - ever so slightly worried.
Made the mistake of going to the bird site to check latest #CycloneGarbrielle updates from people. What a sneering, crowing cesspit that place is. Don't miss it at all.
Still here, house too and word is that we still got a boat on it's mooring. 😃
Rainfall altogether 200 mm.
Wind gusts still vicious and at least as strong as last night, gone southeast, going southwest soon, good for the boat, bad for the house.
Power and VDSL off and scheduled to be restored not before next Friday.
Can't blame them. It's rough out there.
It is pretty cold, like autumn really, which apparently is still fueling the beast.
Can someone please tell them super rich billionaires that #newzealand isn't quite the safe heaven #climatechange bunker they are trying to make themselves believe.
#newzealand #climatechange #cyclonegarbrielle
Severe Tropical Cyclone #Freddy 🌀in the southeastern Indian Ocean and Tropical Cyclone #Gabrielle 🌀in the southwest Pacific as seen #Himawari9 🛰️on 8 February. #CycloneFreddy #CycloneGarbrielle
#freddy #gabrielle #himawari9 #cyclonefreddy #cyclonegarbrielle