Day 1525 #DailyPhoto #SkyWatch #Astrophotography The #BatNebula aka #IC1340 is part of the #CygnusLoop connected to the #EasternVeil Nebula. It was discovered in 1864 by Truman Henry Safford, the director of the Hopkins Observatoey at Williams College. This image is 11 ten-minute exposures captured with a 571mm scope using a dual band filter that blocks the whole light spectrum except the bands for ionized hydrogen and oxygen. #StillLearning
#dailyphoto #skywatch #astrophotography #batnebula #ic1340 #cygnusloop #easternveil #stilllearning
Cygnus Loop
Around 725pc (2400ly) distant, the Cygnus Loop (Sharpless Sh2-103) is an emission nebula in Cygnus nearly 3° across, a large supernova remnant caused by a star 12-15 solar masses (unidentified).
Prints, etc:
#Astrophotograhy #photography #cygnusloop #SupernovaRemnant #pixinsight #darktable #nebula
#nebula #darktable #pixinsight #SupernovaRemnant #cygnusloop #photography #Astrophotograhy