Cathie LeBlanc · @cathieleblanc
155 followers · 139 posts · Server

Day 1525 The aka is part of the connected to the Nebula. It was discovered in 1864 by Truman Henry Safford, the director of the Hopkins Observatoey at Williams College. This image is 11 ten-minute exposures captured with a 571mm scope using a dual band filter that blocks the whole light spectrum except the bands for ionized hydrogen and oxygen.

#dailyphoto #skywatch #astrophotography #batnebula #ic1340 #cygnusloop #easternveil #stilllearning

Last updated 1 year ago

Cygnus Loop

Around 725pc (2400ly) distant, the Cygnus Loop (Sharpless Sh2-103) is an emission nebula in Cygnus nearly 3° across, a large supernova remnant caused by a star 12-15 solar masses (unidentified).

Prints, etc:


#nebula #darktable #pixinsight #SupernovaRemnant #cygnusloop #photography #Astrophotograhy

Last updated 2 years ago