Support for the Welsh language needs to come in many forms.
We @data_orchard run the Mapio Cymru project to improve the quality of Welsh-language mapping services.
#cymraeg #cymraeg2050 #gis #mapping #language
Deiseb - Gwersi Cymraeg am ddim i bawb i bawb sydd eisiau dysgu'r iaith yng Nghymru / Petition - Free Welsh lessons for people in Wales wanting to learn the language:
#DysguCymraeg #LearnWelsh #Deiseb #Petition #Cymraeg2050 #Wales #Cymru
#dysgucymraeg #learnwelsh #deiseb #petition #cymraeg2050 #wales #cymru
@TheRookery @janmakarta I started at 56! Or 57, maybe. Now I am 60 and you’d think I would know a lot of #Cymraeg but I am not retired yet. I barely have 10 minutes a day! I blame having to work. I hope to streak when I am free to really go for it. Surely I will make the festivities for #cymraeg2050! 🤣 #DysguCymreag
#DysguCymreag #cymraeg2050 #cymraeg
Mae'n hiaith yn rhan bwysig iawn o'n hunaniaeth fel cenedl, ac yn rhywbeth sy'n ein huno. Rwy' am longyfarch pob un o'r 12,000 o bobl sydd wedi cymryd rhan yn y rhaglen Dysgu Cymraeg.
Gyda'n gilydd, gallwn gyrraedd y filiwn erbyn 2050 #Cymraeg2050
Delighted to visit Nant Gwrtheyrn today to discuss their important contribution to the goal of a million Welsh speakers. I thank for giving thousands of learners over the years the opportunity to access such special experiences there #Cymraeg2050