@IAmDannyBoling I'm not sure that means what you think it means. Plato's Greece was not a democracy of all adults but of elite men. Not for nothing did Diogenes wander around the marketplace with a lantern "looking for a human being".
#diogenes #cynic #dog #politics #antiapathy
CYNIC Announces Southern US Dates To Further Celebrate Focus Anniversary #2023_07_31 #metal_injection #greg_kennelty #tour_dates #cynic
#2023_07_31 #metal_injection #greg_kennelty #tour_dates #cynic
Cynic Add Southern U.S. Dates to Their ReFocus/Remembrance Tour #2023_07_28 #metalsucks #hesher_keenan #tour_de_force #cynic
#2023_07_28 #metalsucks #hesher_keenan #tour_de_force #cynic
Cynic's Traced in Air is such an awesome album. I didn't really check it out until now
Cynic's 'Re-Focus' kinda slaps, they really nailed that remaster. Removing some of the 'crispiness'/'crustiness' (or whatever you want to call it) of the original while keeping the old school death metal sound
#NowPlaying #cynic #refocus
10 Bands That Should Be Way Bigger #2023_05_31 #metalsucks #kenny_schticky #br00tal_lists #1349 #black_anvil #burning_witches #crypta #cult_of_fire #cynic
>> https://www.metalsucks.net/2023/05/31/10-bands-that-should-be-way-bigger/
#2023_05_31 #metalsucks #kenny_schticky #br00tal_lists #black_anvil #burning_witches #crypta #cult_of_fire #cynic
Atheist and Cynic to Co-Headline the ‘Focus and Presence Tour’ This Summer #2023_04_26 #metalsucks #hesher_keenan #tour_de_force #atheist #cynic
#2023_04_26 #metalsucks #hesher_keenan #tour_de_force #atheist #cynic
Cynic and Atheist playing classic '90s albums on 30th anniversary tour #2023_04_26 #brooklynvegan #brooklynvegan_staff #heavy_metal_news #music_news #tour_dates #atheist #cynic
>> https://www.brooklynvegan.com/cynic-and-atheist-playing-classic-90s-albums-on-30th-anniversary-tour/
#2023_04_26 #brooklynvegan #brooklynvegan_staff #heavy_metal_news #music_news #tour_dates #atheist #cynic
CYNIC & ATHEIST Announce North American Tour #2023_04_26 #metal_injection #greg_kennelty #tour_dates #atheist #cynic #featured
>> https://metalinjection.net/tour-dates/cynic-atheist-announce-north-american-tour
#2023_04_26 #metal_injection #greg_kennelty #tour_dates #atheist #cynic #featured
Well said.
One set of rules for them, and another for everyone else.
Maybe I should say they don't have rules and are outside of the law, doing as they please. Sounds about right.
Whenever #DWP are involved, they want to know everything about you for the for past 3 years at least. I'm surprised they don't ask about personal habits.
@kkarhan But then how would you transfer large amounts of tax payer's money to private concerns (possibly in the hope of getting some of it back as donation to the party) by using a tried, tested and proven technology that works? How do you panic people into burning up the planet buying new phones from companies that might also be willing to donate to party funds?
Reseña: #Cynic en Chile: Un testamento para los amigos caídos. Nuestra nota de la jornada en que también estuvieron Beyond Creation y Stigmatized https://www.nacionrock.com/cynic-en-chile-un-testamento-para-los-amigos-caidos/
Cynic Release Video and Announce #2023_04_15 #metalsucks #mandy_scythe #new_stuff #news #cynic #focus #refocus #remix_album #veil_of_maya
>> https://www.metalsucks.net/2023/04/15/cynic-release-video-and-announce/
#2023_04_15 #metalsucks #mandy_scythe #new_stuff #news #cynic #focus #refocus #remix_album #veil_of_maya
The description of "emo" on the morning show is ridiculous.
Some guy just said "emo" wasn't popular. Um, it sold millions of records.
Please. LOL.
#emo #oldmantalk #cynic #hardened
CYNIC Announces Two Focus Anniversary Shows For Japan #2023_03_18 #metal_injection #greg_kennelty #tour_dates #cynic
>> https://metalinjection.net/tour-dates/cynic-announces-two-focus-anniversary-shows-for-japan
#2023_03_18 #metal_injection #greg_kennelty #tour_dates #cynic
Stupenda canzone dei #Cynic (purtroppo è rimasto solo #PaulMasvidal)di un album mitologico come #tracedinair, usata qui con l'edit di un #anime (che neanche conosco, per la verità, mea culpa), ma che mi è piaciuto per come si adatta con la musica.
#cynic #paulmasvidal #tracedinair #anime #mastoradio #spaceforthis
Cynic is Turning to Their Fans for Help Finding a Tour Bus for Their European Tour #2023_02_28 #metalsucks #hesher_keenan #tour_de_force #cynic #tour_problems
#2023_02_28 #metalsucks #hesher_keenan #tour_de_force #cynic #tour_problems