@juddlegum I was angry when I found out that it wasn't true. Even after 5 vaccines, I'm still not able to keep my keys on me. (The keys react to magnets, I tested it) I don't ask much, I just want my keys on me. In this way I will never lose it.
The same goes for the 5G chip. I could have free internet! But no, also fake news. It's not that the state, or big companies, don't know anything about me. If they hand it out for free, I take it.
#cynism #darkhumor #humor
"this #meme" ="#marketing" ∩ "#philosophy"
#memes #mamema #diogenes #sinop #philosopher #usp #cynism #raphael #raphaelo
#meme #marketing #philosophy #memes #mamema #diogenes #sinop #philosopher #usp #cynism #raphael #raphaelo
2 X Folkmakt hotas i Ukraina …
Maktrealismen har börjat sticka upp sitt fula tryne i debatten om Ukrainakriget. Det betyder medhåll och/eller acceptans för tesen att mäktiga stormakter har rätt att kräva kontroll över sina svagare grannländer. Läs: ett försvar av imperialism. Eller snarare ett cyniskt konstaterande att ”så är de
#Demokrati #Imperialism #Krig #NATO #Ryssland #Ukraina #USA #Cynism #Makt #Maktrealism #Nation
#nation #maktrealism #makt #cynism #usa #ukraina #ryssland #nato #krig #imperialism #demokrati
The cynics argue that COVID 19 virus particle size is only 0.125 microns while N95 mask supposedly only filters down to 0.3 microns, hence N95 block few virus particles, if at all. What they fail to realise is that to be airborne, the virus attaches to water droplets or aerosols that are generated by breathing, talking, coughing, etc., consisting of water, mucus protein and other biological material which are all LARGER than 1 micron.
"Qui aurait pu prévoir..." as said Pdt Macron to the french people.
#cynism #hypocrasy
@rahmstorf @tuxom