#Crypto #Cryptocurrencies #Bitcoin #Blockchain #Cypherpunks #Decentralization: "David Chaum and the cypherpunks are right. Modern crypto is mostly wrong. I say ‘mostly’ because crypto is littered with fully anonymous actors jealously guarding their True Names. Unfortunately a lot of those anonymous individuals are among the worst scammers in crypto.
But the rest of crypto went down the path of using centralized exchanges. KYC AML CFT PEP SOF* checks and all the rest. [KYC = Know Your Customer; AML = Anti Money Laundering; CFT = Combating Financing of Terrorism; PEP – Politically Exposed Person, SOF = Source of Funds] The problem is that these exchanges have a foot in both worlds: they’re cypherpunk on the side where they’re getting tokens from the raw chaos of the blockchains. They’re TradFi (traditional finance) where they are taking copies of passports and verifying home addresses. As a result, all the legal liability piles up in the exchanges and they also have huge opportunities for operating their own scams: see FTX.
The SEC case against Coinbase is likely to be where a lot of this mess gets sorted out but I am not liking Coinbase’s chances."
#crypto #cryptocurrencies #bitcoin #blockchain #cypherpunks #decentralization
Los #Cypherpunks participan activamente en hacer que las #redes sean más seguras para la #privacidad.
Procedamos juntos a buen ritmo.
Adelante. #GO
Eric Hughes <hughes@soda.berkeley.edu>
#thread #cypherpunks #redes #privacidad #go #hilo
The #Crypto #Anarchist Manifesto from Timothy C. May and several essays from other #Cypherpunks are essential reads for #Devs thinking about succumbing to regulators.
Perhaps even for those already under those chains these words of wisdom might provide useful ideas on how to be subversive against modern #Dystopia.
#crypto #anarchist #cypherpunks #devs #dystopia
The best technologies encode the laws into them such that a person need not lobby the unaccountable #corporateState.
The best examples of this come from the #cypherpunks with their motto, "cypherpunks write code". Meaning that they don't lobb, they #code.
As a result we have incredible technologies that are designed in spite of corporate state overreach, like #bitcoin, monero and #I2P.
#corporateState #cypherpunks #code #bitcoin #i2p
Good post about #Privacy #Crypto #Bitcoin
"...#technology is used as a means to manipulate behaviour, control and limit people’s #freedom. This is something that the early #Cypherpunks were already warning about in the 80s..."
#privacy #crypto #bitcoin #technology #freedom #cypherpunks
"The destiny of any intelligent being is to disappear ..."
Message-ID: <_k6HL.3365912$MJk2.1953629@fx06.ams4>
#cyphernox #manifesto #cypherpunks #privacy #cryptography #anonymity #surveillance
#cyphernox #manifesto #cypherpunks #privacy #cryptography #anonymity #surveillance
"Cryptography will ineluctably spread over the whole globe, and with it the anonymous transactions systems that it makes possible."
#crypto #cypherpunks #liberty #freespeech
Technology has a political frame. In the last centuries this has been the one of oppression of the nation-state.
But #cypherpunks arose.
And we, as #lunarpunks, proudly bring on their vision with a rigorous ideological framework.
Our political frame is the one of freedom.
Bad? As in #cypherpunks and #hackers? Who worked together to invent something good, #I2P and #bitcoin.
#cypherpunks #hackers #i2p #bitcoin #inventions
Remember how all the data stored locally from Signal Desktop is completely unencrypted?
Since the developers clearly aren't interested in changing this, I've written a shell script that makes it a breeze to encrypt and decrypt your Signal Desktop data using VeraCrypt.
It will also create a launcher for you (an .app on MacOS and a shell script on Linux) to automatically mount the encrypted storage before launching Signal, and automatically unmount it when exiting.
Just run the launcher instead of the app, and pretend that the password prompt is a Signal feature :)
#signal #signaldesktop #signalmessenger #opsec #privacy #privacymatters #encryption #cryptography #cypherpunks #cypherpunk
#signal #signaldesktop #signalmessenger #opsec #privacy #privacymatters #encryption #cryptography #cypherpunks #cypherpunk
Check out this #HCPP22 Talk @InstituteCrypto@twitter.com @Paralelni_polis@twitter.com from @nymproject@twitter.com DevRel Lead @_wjth@twitter.com & CEO @halpin@twitter.com -
NYM: application and network level #privacy for developers and #cypherpunks
Yes, this community is designed for #hackers and #cypherpunks among others.
However, this #Mastodon server has been denied by AWS SES, SendGrid, and TurboSMTP lol.
A bit annoying, as we do not plan to have illegal activities occur on this server, but are treated as such. Going to try Mailgun next.
Unless, someone has a better recommendation?
#hackers #cypherpunks #mastodon
RT @lunarpunksquad
Today we're gonna talk about the #lunarpunk future on our twitter space. 🥷
Our vision credits #cypherpunks for their critique on technocracy but distances itself from its dystopian individualistic conclusions.
Today we're gonna talk about the #lunarpunk future on our twitter space. 🥷
Our vision credits #cypherpunks for their critique on technocracy but distances itself from its dystopian individualistic conclusions.
"The #cypherpunks wanted to demonstrate a crucial point: that these open technologies were designed to protect people from oppression"
#Lunarpunks go further: instead of protecting themselves individually they build the alternative organizing in communities.
Join us.
RT @DefiantNews
ICYMI: Crypto Needs to Up Its Game on Privacy
RT @citypw
I ordered two books by paying #XMR and to read in 2023. Thanks @jurbed @TheStoicCoiner #XMR #cypherpunks #BTC #web3
Crypto Stories: Dr. Adam Back shares his life of hacks - A cartoon version of Dr. Adam Back recounts stories of hacking co... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/crypto-stories-dr-adam-back-shares-his-life-of-hacks #cypherpunks #technology #adamback #youtube
#youtube #adamback #technology #cypherpunks
Zugegeben: 1986 (ich 15), 1990 (ich 19) und auch 2000 (ein Jahr, bei dem ich als Teen ernste Zweifel hatte, dass ich oder sonstwer es je sehen würde) hatte ich andere Erwartungen an die Cyberpunk-Zukunft 2020, als wir sie in real erlebten. Aber neben Assange und Snowden gibt es min 1 weitere lupenreine "Real-Cyberpunk- (bzw Cypherpunk-)Story", die unbedingt und von Herzen jedem ans Herz gelegt sei. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2JUvnAeRnU #cypherpunks #satoshi #bitcoin
#cypherpunks #satoshi #bitcoin
#Documental #CypherPunks #Criptografía #SatoshiNakamoto #聡•中本 #Bitcoin #P2P
La revolución del bitcoin - Cómo empezó todo | DW Documental
Como en el documental aparece Philip R. Zimmermann comparto el siguiente artículo:
La rehabilitación de Zimmermann
El libro citado en el articulo - Los codigos secretos de Simon Singh - se puede bajar de acá: http://www.librosmaravillosos.com/loscodigossecretos/pdf/Los%20codigos%20secretos%20-%20Simon%20Singh.pdf
La información sobre Phil Zimmermann se lee en el Capítulo 7, página 332. 👇
#p2p #bitcoin #聡 #satoshinakamoto #criptografia #cypherpunks #documental
Could editing a post be used as a canary? Replace the text with something fairly informative, like a 🤐, and then readers are alerted to the edited post and can see the original.
#libraries #librarians #cypherpunks