Iliazd (Ilya Zdanewitch), Ledentu le Phare, 1923.
See more from this book in the Online Archive:
#Iliazd #ConcretePoetry #Cyrillic #Russian #Constructivist #Typography #AvantGarde
#iliazd #concretepoetry #cyrillic #russian #constructivist #typography #avantgarde
I just merged in Arabic, Greek and Vietnamese characters for my Courier Prime fork:
The foundation is #CourierPrime with the #Cyrillic additions on the official download page, made for #screenwriting
It adds additionally support for #Bahai specific characters and monospace Arabic. Please go test and help me figure out where it needs further tweaking!
#courierprime #cyrillic #screenwriting #Bahai
I went to the Word Slavic Writing Museum and saw my favorite #Cyrillic letter Ѯ (ksi). Peter the Great later got rid of it in his Civil Script. The text in the image explains its origins from the #Greek ξ, which in its turn comes from the #Phoenician 𐤎 (Samekh). It's not known for sure what Samekh means but the speculated meaning relates to something you lean against, like a pole.
I went to the Word Slavic Writing Museum and saw my favorite #Cyrillic letter :) Peter the Great later got rid of it in his Civil Script. The text in the image explains its origins from the #Greek ξ, which in its turn comes from the #Phoenician Samekh. It's not known for sure what Samekh means but the speculated meaning relates to something you lean against, like a pole.
I went to the Word Slavic Writing Museum and saw my favorite #Cyrillic letter :) Peter the Great later got rid of it in his Civil Script
I went to the Word Slavic Writing Museum and saw my favorite #Cyrillic letter :)
Со И aм хаbиnг тhис веirд бuг оn mз иpad wхerе еvерy sецoнd cхарaцtер ис иn cзrиlлic aнd eжerз фirст iн лаtиn. Thiс еrрor cреаtеs а фuнny sцrиpт. I dоn=т кnов вhз тхис ис хаппенинг. Ok seems like it stopped....
#bug #computers #language #cyrillic #alphabet #latin #script #summon
#bug #computers #language #cyrillic #alphabet #latin #script #summon
So I use English "hot" as a mnemonic for готувати /hotuvatɪ/ "to cook".
But for a word like елегантний /elehantni/ "elegant", it's more helpful to my memory to remember that "Гг" is /g/ in Russian. It also matches the uppercase for Greek "Γγ", which has been used for /g/, /ɣ/, /ŋ/, and probably others across times and environments.
I am definitely a learner of Ukrainian, not a linguistic expert in it.
#learningukrainian #phonemespeculation #cyrillic
@celrydoor Oh, it's almost certainly my error. My transcriptions are tentative and based entirely on what I can infer from the Duolingo speech samples. They definitely have hints of velar place and of voicing, so I suspect /ɣ/.
That's as a linguist.
As a language learner, I'm anchoring to phonemes I know from English and French where possible. In my head, г is "/h/ with a Ukrainian accent".
#learningukrainian #phonemespeculation #cyrillic
The Cyrillic "Гг" also matches uppercase Greek gamma "Γ", which was historically /g/ but has undergone a process called lenition or spirantization. It is now pronounced with a sound that linguists actually represent in the #InternationalPhoneticAlphabet with lowercase Greek gamma /ɣ/. It sounds to English ears a bit like a voiced "h", so there is at least a superficial parallel between Ukrainian and Greek.
#internationalphoneticalphabet #cyrillic #greek #writingsystems
Le problème avec les vieux trucs dans des pays où l'écriture à changé, c'est qu'en plus de la typographie pourrie, on a un alphabet qu'on comprend pas :p
C'est joli quand même.
New version of Nyght Serif font by Maksym Kobuzan! This new version has four weights with Latin and #Ukrainian #Cyrillic support. Get it now for free 👉 #typography #typedesign #font #freefont #opensource #typeface
#typeface #opensource #freefont #font #typedesign #typography #cyrillic #ukrainian
Hi everyone! ^^ Digihize proudly presents its first official Cyrillic font - FUTURILIK. Inspired by futuristic/cyberpunk aesthetics, FUTURILIK can be used as a great asset in a game or movie universe. It is free for personal and commercial projects.
Feel free to try it out! ^^
#font #fonts #typography #typeface #fontdesign #cyrillic #cyrillicfont #gameasset
#font #fonts #typography #typeface #fontdesign #cyrillic #cyrillicfont #gameasset
Que faire quand on a des milliers de fichiers txt en #cyrillic et qu'il faut les #transliterer en alphabet latin? J'ai créé un programme qui effectue cette conversion sur tous les fichiers de vos dossiers et sous-dossiers.
Tout est expliqué et documenté pour des débutants ouvrant leur terminal pour la première fois. #DH #cyrillic #DigitalHumanities #humanitesnumeriques
#cyrillic #transliterer #dh #digitalhumanities #humanitesnumeriques
As graphic designers, we know that even a single glyph change can completely shift the perception of a text. That’s why our newly released Knedle typeface contains a whole range of Stylistic Sets so it can fit your needs.
Check them out at
#font #release #opentype #features #design #stylistic #sets #typography #Cyrillic #Macedonian #Serbian #Udmurt
#font #release #opentype #features #design #stylistic #sets #typography #cyrillic #Macedonian #serbian #udmurt
After more than ten years (this probably deserves a separate blog post…) our Knedle font family is finally released for public! More info (and images) on our website
And if you like our work, please share the news—for a small independent type foundry like us, it really, really helps.
#font #release #new #sansserif #latin #cyrillic
omg I have a #Ukrainian font fetish now
#cyrillic #historyofthebook #bookstodon #printing #letters #fonts
#ukrainian #cyrillic #historyofthebook #bookstodon #printing #letters #fonts