Back to the grind. Hopefully I can do some studies for the #cysa+ and maybe play some #WorldofHaiku later.
#cysa #worldofhaiku #cybersecurity #studying
Congratulations to our BIC family member Stephon Jones!
#cybersecurity #infosec #litlikebic #BlacksInCyber #blacksincybersecurity #bic #blackincyber #BlackTechTwitter #blackincybersecurity #Comptia #CYSA
#cybersecurity #infosec #LitLikeBIC #BlacksInCyber #BlacksInCybersecurity #bic #blackincyber #blacktechtwitter #blackincybersecurity #comptia #cysa
#Goals for 2023:
I'd like to see myself grow in #2023 - much how I've grown in 2022. I can see myself with a few #certification achievements, speak at an #informationsecurity #conference , teach #cybersecurity to students (kinda cheating here), really start my #blog for really real this time, and #travel a bit more (both personal and professional)
🔲 Get #CySA Certification
🔲 Get #PNPT Certification​
🔲 Teach Students
🔲 Present/Speak at a Conference
🔲 Travel for Personal
🔲 Travel for Professional
#goals #certification #informationsecurity #conference #cybersecurity #blog #travel #cysa #PNPT
Good morning folks,
Trying to clean up my bookshelf. I have some physical cert guides not needed any longer.
I know things are tight for many and certificate attempts are expensive. If these would be helpful for anyone studying for the #CCSP or #CySA exams, If interested, LMK and I'll send USPS flat rate (I'll get you an email to send the address to). First come, first served.
This is what I have.
===CCSP Study Stuff===
** CCSP for Dummies
** Ben Maslow’s Wannabe CCSP Outline Studybook
** CCSP Certified Cloud Security Professional Official Study Guide 3rd Edition
** CCSP Certified Cloud Security Professional Official Study Guide 2nd Edition
===CySA+ Study Stuff===
** CompTIA CySA+ Study Guide 3rd Edition
** CompTIA CySA+ Practice Exams 2nd Edition
I recently earned my Sec+, and am studying for the CySA+ beta (which I'll be taking soon). What type of resources have you found useful for that exam? #comptia #cysa #securityplus