Thank you. What science has achieved is extraordinary. 🙇‍♂️
There are so many reasons for installing air scrubbers and air quality monitors in hospitals, schools and workplaces. What’s good for people with cystic fibrosis is good for us all.
#airquality #COVID19 #cysticfibrosis
#CysticFibrosis is a rare genetic disease that often leads to chronic lung inflammation. Researchers from #CharitéBerlin have now shown that a triple combination therapy brings lasting improvement for patients: The mucus in the airways is not as sticky, inflammation in the lungs significantly reduced.
#CysticFibrosis #CF #CharitéPaper #CharitéPediatrics #Medicine #ScienceMastodon
#cysticfibrosis #chariteberlin #cf #charitepaper #charitepediatrics #medicine #sciencemastodon
#Mukoviszidose ist eine seltene Erbkrankheit, die häufig zu einer chronischen Entzündung der Lunge führt. Forschende der #CharitéBerlin zeigen jetzt, dass eine Dreifachtherapie auch langanhaltende Verbesserung für Betroffene bringt: Der Atemwegsschleim ist weniger zäh, die Entzündung in der Lunge geht zurück.
#CysticFibrosis #CF #CharitéPaper #CharitéPädiatrie #Medizin #Wissenschaft
#mukoviszidose #chariteberlin #cysticfibrosis #cf #charitepaper #charitepadiatrie #medizin #wissenschaft
Has anyone seen or heard of this p. aeuriginosa variant crossing from eyes into cystic fibrosis lungs (yet)? I want to know how worried to be.
#cysticfibrosis #cf #fuckinghell
Referenced link:
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Originally posted by / @physorg_com:
RT by @physorg_com: Making ionocytes: A step toward cell or #genetherapy for #cysticfibrosis @bostonchildrens @nature
Canadian science pioneers’ role in the Human Genome Project shows why it’s crucial to fund research
#Canada #Health #Science #Genetics #DNA #ScienceHistory #Genomics #Genome #ResearchFunding #HumanGenomeProject #CysticFibrosis #NobelPrize
#canada #health #science #genetics #dna #sciencehistory #Genomics #genome #researchfunding #humangenomeproject #cysticfibrosis #NobelPrize
Referenced link:
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Originally posted by / @physorg_com:
RT by @physorg_com: Integrated structural biology provides new clues for #cysticfibrosis treatment @nature
#Scientists from #StJude and #RockefellerUniversity integrated #StructuralBiology techniques to better understand the #CysticFibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator, providing new treatment clues. Learn about the @Nature study. #StJudeResearch #RareDisease
#scientists #stjude #rockefelleruniversity #structuralbiology #cysticfibrosis #stjuderesearch #raredisease
Check out this interview I did with the Keeping It Under Wraps team, in advance of the release of Bodies, Uncensored. I've got an essay included, titled "On Being a Real-Life Frankenstein," about that time I was dead and then, y'know, not.
#transplant #cfirl #cysticfibrosis
RT @pateixidor
Only 3 days to go! This is the final stretch of our campaign to better diagnose #cysticfibrosis in #Africa. Help us make a difference! With your help, we can provide much-needed testing equipment to diagnose this rare disease. @CFibrose_Muco @swissinfo_en
Hello, new server, part two! Born with #CysticFibrosis, I still have cystic fibrosis, because that’s how genetic diseases work. In 2014, I received a #LungTransplant and technically died a little. I got better.
I don't always talk about it, but having a dead man's insides inside of you isn't exactly the kind of thing you get to forget.
#NewHere #Introduction #Immunocompromised #CovidIsNotOver #ChronicIllness #Disability
#disability #chronicillness #CovidIsNotOver #immunocompromised #introduction #newhere #lungtransplant #cysticfibrosis
RT @pateixidor
Just 7 days to go! Join the fight against #cysticfibrosis in Africa so we can buy two test devices to diagnose this rare disease in medically underserved populations, like the one in which Hilal lives. Every donation counts! #Morroco #RDCongo @wemakeit
#RDCongo #morroco #cysticfibrosis
RT @pateixidor
You can make a difference! Help us provide essential testing equipment to detect #cysticfibrosis in Africa. Donate to our crowdfunding campaign and help us improve healthcare in #Morroco and #RDCongo. @CFAware @SwissIonChannel @N_Mucoviscidose @RFIAfrique
#RDCongo #morroco #cysticfibrosis
Thank you to the @snsf_ch for "boosting" our @wemakeit project "#CysticFibrosis in Africa". Now, with more backers, we hope that, besides our colleagues at Fès, we can also buy a 2nd sweat test device for our pediatric colleagues at #UniKinshasa! #RareDiseases #ScienceInAfrica
RT @pateixidor
We have reached our goal! @ScienceBooster backed our project with a pledge of CHF 5’000! But there are still 15 days to go and we have a new ta…
#ScienceInAfrica #RareDiseases #unikinshasa #cysticfibrosis
Michèle Fuhrer @MedUBern_Deans arbeitet an ihrer Doktorarbeit in unserem Labor! Sie arbeitet zusammen mit Nada El Makhzen daran, die Crowdfunding-Kampagne erfolgreich zu machen
#CysticFibrosis #CF #ScienceInAfrica
- Ihr Interview:
#ScienceInAfrica #cf #cysticfibrosis
RT @pateixidor
#CysticFibrosis is a rare disease, which means it is found in less than 1 out of 2'000 patients. Since most #RareDiseases are of genetic origin, they are challenging to diagnose accurately in African countries. Help us to diagnose it more efficiently.
RT @pateixidor
Pour les millions de familles qui ont besoin de diagnostic, aide nous en nôtre campagne pour acheter un test de la sueur ! Il sera utilisé en @CHGen_Unikin #cysticfibrosis #RareDiseaseDay2023 @christinatshis @DeniseNyakeru @OAFLAD @SwissIonChannel
#rarediseaseday2023 #cysticfibrosis
This is the perfect day: we still need CHF 530 to reach our goal! #ScienceInAfrica #CF #CFTR
RT @pateixidor
In our @wemakeit crowdfunding campaign we are trying to raise enough money to buy a Nanoduct® device that will improve the diagnosis of #cysticfibrosis in Africa. @AxonlabAG would you contribute in this #RareDiseaseDay2023? @SwissIonChannel @UDNIss
#rarediseaseday2023 #cysticfibrosis #cftr #cf #ScienceInAfrica
RT @pateixidor
In our @wemakeit crowdfunding campaign we are trying to raise enough money to buy a Nanoduct® device that will improve the diagnosis of #cysticfibrosis in Africa. @AxonlabAG would you contribute in this #RareDiseaseDay2023? @SwissIonChannel @UDNIss
#rarediseaseday2023 #cysticfibrosis