C J Cherryh, #Cyteen. Also the #Chanur books, Serpent's Reach, Downbelow Station, Foreigner, Alliance Rising, Cuckoo's Egg. (All of her Alliance-Union books are in the same universe, just...not obviously so.) Some of her books have been translated and you'll be able to find French-language versions, others have not.
Hey #bookstodon folk - any tips on a good way to get books in languages other than English?
Specifically, I'd like just about anything in #cjcherryh Alliance-Union universe (preference given to #Cyteen and the #Chanur saga) in #Spanish #Español , #Italian #Italiano, and/or #Chinese #中文
#bookstodon #cjcherryh #cyteen #chanur #spanish #espanol #italian #italiano #chinese #中文
Does anyone know how to buy other-language versions of books? I'd love to get ahold of #cjcherryh #Cyteen in Spanish and/or Mandarin. (Though, since it features a same-sex couple, I'd be outright shocked if I were able to find it in Mandarin.) #bookstodon
#cjcherryh #cyteen #bookstodon
Harrowhark has a certain vibe that reminds me a bit of Ari 2. HBIC except not fully In Charge yet, playing 4D chess while a lot of others have possibly almost grasped that the black checkers aren't for eating like the Oreos are.
#TheLockedTomb #Cyteen
Must say "hey" because I just added #cjcherry to my profile, and turns out you are the only one talking about her today, which is something that ought to change. Love #downbelowstation and #cyteen, but recently reread #serpentsreach and thought it was a story for these times.
#serpentsreach #cyteen #downbelowstation #cjcherry