#January 1, 1895
#OTD Cyntha Letty, #SouthAfrican #Botanical #Illustrator, is born.
The #CythnaLetty #Medal honors botanical #Artists who promote South African #Flora.
Cyntha designed #Floral emblems for her country's #Coin #Currency:
#Aloe for 10¢, #Protea for 20¢, #Agapanthus for 50¢.
She wrote #Poetry as well:
I hitched my wagon to a #Daisy
#Direction #Vague & #Destination #Hazy
But, could any #Star have guided me
more exactly
to where I most dearly #Loved to be?
#january #otd #southafrican #botanical #illustrator #cythnaletty #medal #artists #flora #floral #coin #currency #Aloe #protea #Agapanthus #poetry #daisy #direction #vague #destination #hazy #star #loved