“Preliminary data suggests that the viral #SpikeProtein, alone with the matrix and envelope proteins, are carried by #macrophages in the circulation (Nuovo GJ and Tili, E, unpublished observations). This could explain the many studies which have shown that the viral spike protein per se, or more accurately the S1 subunit of the spike protein, which has the #RBD sequence for #ACE2 binding, can demonstrate #cytotoxic effects”
#spikeprotein #macrophages #rbd #ace2 #cytotoxic
“This is consistent with a recent study that showed that the #SpikeProtein per se can be #cytotoxic to the heart and indicated that the viral protein can enter pericytes via the CD147 receptor and bypass #ACE2”
#spikeprotein #cytotoxic #ace2
Ogura, H., Gohda, J., Lu, X. et al. Dysfunctional #Sars-CoV-2-M protein-specific #cytotoxic T #lymphocytes in patients recovering from severe #COVID19. Nat Commun 13, 7063 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-34655-1
#sars #cytotoxic #Lymphocytes #COVID19