Clarity of the Budvar is already much better today
This is frighteningly easy to drink
#beer #homebrew #budvar #czechbeer
First beer of the evening: Budvar 33. Budvar recipe from Malt Miller UK & Budvar. I added more hops to get the IBU to 33. Lagered 90 days, naturally carbonated. Bread, slight bitter finish that makes you want to drink more. Cloudy after moving the keg up from barn.
#beer #budvar #czechbeer #Lager #homebrew
Two more days until I pour my Budvar 33, 1870 Vienna Lager* and Tmavé Pivo*. Lagering all coordinated to drink on my birthday. This means I will have those three plus a Märzen and a Dunkel to also enjoy on Thursday. Haven’t decided what to make for dinner but it will have to match beer.
*two of these beer’s recipes thanks to @akrennmair
#beer #HomeBrew #Budvar #ViennaLager #TmavePivo #Märzen #Dunkel #CzechBeer #GermanBeer #AustrianBeer
#beer #homebrew #budvar #viennalager #tmavepivo #marzen #dunkel #czechbeer #germanbeer #austrianbeer
This is the American made “Czech Style” dark lager that motivated me to try the real thing. I love everything I've tried from Moonlight Brewing, including this. It has some similarities to the Praga Dark Lager, including the red color and a crusty bread nose and taste. But it's a lot lighter, both in appearance and taste; I'd be reluctant to characterize it as a “Dark” at all. It seemed simpler as a well; not quite as many flavors in the mix. I'd call the Moonlight more refreshing in hot weather, while the Praga a better late-night fireside beer.
I actually tasted the Moonlight 4 weeks ago; I need to put these two side-by-side for a fair comparison. But it's hard not to note that really excellent American-made European-style beers run over $5/can, compared to $2/bottle for an actual #CzechBeer.
#czechbeer #beer #Lager #czech #microbrew
I'm trying to steal ideas from @enog to make my beer photos more engaging. Outside on the patio table, illuminated from the back with natural sunlight, instead of inside on the workbench with artificial light.
I've been mostly drinking reds of late, but I will always have a soft spot for dark lagers: they're what introduced me to real beer.
That said, going on taste alone I'd have described the Praga as a Nuremberg-style Red. The color is deep copper, the nose very strong and complex, bread, cherry, and espresso; there's a clear hit of hops on the tip of the tongue followed by a beautiful deep roasted malt. It's full bodied, but not sweet. I'm still trying to identify all the different flavors, which do change at different temperatures. Definitely something to add to the rotation.
#beer #Lager #czech #czechbeer
Just back from a trip to Czechia. One of the highlights was descending into the Budvar brewery cellars to taste beers directly from the tanks.
The Tmavý Ležák (dark lager) in particular was markedly different to the pasteurised version you'll see above ground. It had a much richer, deeper flavour.
There were also two strong, wet-hopped lagers that were especially delicious, but those aren't on general sale.
#CzechBeer #Budvar #Lager #BeerTravel #Beer #DrinksWriter #CzechRepublic @drinkstodon
#czechbeer #budvar #lager #beertravel #beer #drinkswriter #czechrepublic
I think sometime soon I’m going to try to brew a Czech Pilsner with the exact same recipe and process (double decoction) except one with Urquell yeast and the other with Budvar yeast. 33 IBU target with Saaz hops only. No other way to really understand the impact of yeast.
#beer #homebrew #pilsner #czechbeer #pivo
This is the fastest I’ve had a lager yeast take off. Just 24 hours since I pitched it.
Don’t know if it is because WLP800 is a fast starter or because I’m doing an open ferment this time (just sanitized aluminum foil on top). Happy to see it in any case.
#homebrew #pilsner #yeast #czechbeer
Brewed a Světlý Ležák yesterday. Getting close to 79% mash efficiency so had to top up to get it down from 1.054. Ended up at 1.049 after pitching my 2L starter so pretty much spot on.
Swapped Tettnang for Lublin.
Used new Grainfather G30v3. Way easier to get mash in and out for decoctions.
Using WLP800 for the first time. The starter smelled sweet and a bit fruity compared to Budvar yeast which smelled like sulfur.
#HomeBrew #grainfather #CzechBeer #beer
#homebrew #grainfather #czechbeer #beer
Nice video on #CzechBeer pours from the Craft Beer Channel lads with Radim from Budvar
#czechbeer #beer #craftbeer #czechrepublic #budvar
I'm usually not one to just repeat press releases, but this one caught my eye this morning: Budvar has collaborated with Thornbridge and brewed a pale lager at Thornbridge, combining Czech decoction mashing, Budvar's yeast, and British Maris Otter malt and East Kent Goldings hops. #beer #brewing #czechbeer #britishbeer
#beer #brewing #czechbeer #britishbeer
#Darkbeer on the train! Not a favourite but that's what they had in the resto. The bottle is actually a #czechbeer with a Hungarian label, thus bought before the #EC252Hungaria took off.
#ec252hungaria #czechbeer #darkbeer
@lorddimwit “Pivo, prosím.” (get the pronunciation from which is „Máte pivo, prosím Vás?“ — „Do you have a beer, please?“). The only language which is necessary for beer, the only beer which matters. #CzechBeer #Czech
If 2023 is to be the "year of Czech beer", then let it also be the year of Czech pub snacks!
#craftlager #czechbeer #czechfood
Another month, another Volba Sládků. This time around Plzeňský Prazdroj teams with the always solid Pivovar Matuška to birth My (We), in honor of the 30th anniversary of Czechoslovakia's split. Spicy/floral deliciousness ft Czech hops and Slovák barley. 5.2% abv
#nazdravi #czechbeer #craftbeer
I couldn't resist to take a @FredWaltman style shot. #czechbeer #Pilsner #PilsnerUrquell
#czechbeer #pilsner #pilsnerurquell
Merry new year, or something.
#craftbeer #beersofmastodon #czechbeer
#craftbeer #beersofmastodon #czechbeer
@quare_swally @beersofmastodon A couple of favs from my local Lajka Pivovar. Most - IPL fresh-hopped with a ludicrously fruity/floral new Czech variety. Miss Baker - perfectly beechwood-smoked 16° stout.
#beer #craftbeer #bestof2022 #Prague #CzechBeer #cheers
#beer #craftbeer #bestof2022 #Prague #czechbeer #cheers