Una hermosa charla a propĆ³sito del Spectrum Argentino, creado en los aƱos 80 por la empresa Czerweny.
Siempre interesante ver y escuchar a les protagonistas de las historias de la computaciĆ³n de nuestra RegiĆ³n.
#CZ #Czerweny #microcomputadora #Spectrum #computaciĆ³nArgentina
#computacionargentina #spectrum #microcomputadora #czerweny #cz
Spectrumness vs Sinclairicity
- Added Harlequin
- Added Czerweny models
- Added Timex models
- Added Unipolbrit Komputer
- Added Inves Plus
- Added maker labels
- Distinction of +2 variants
This is only Western Europe and the Americas. I have no clue how to approach a map of the multiplicity and vast richness of Eastern speckies, which won't fit a simple chart. If you have any ideas, let me know.
#ZxSpectrum #Speccy #retrocomputing #TS2068 #TK90X #TK95 #Czerweny #TimexSinclair
#zxspectrum #speccy #retrocomputing #ts2068 #tk90x #tk95 #czerweny #TimexSinclair
Live stream: Hugo Mazer, one of the former managers of Czerweny Electronics of Argentina who made the #CzSpectrum during his tenure is now live on Youtube reminescing with other speccyheads from Spain, Portugal, and Uruguay
#Czerweny #CzSpectrum #Cz2000 #ZxSpectrum #Speccy #retrocomputing
#czspectrum #czerweny #cz2000 #zxspectrum #speccy #retrocomputing
Here's a video of someone reviewing a #CzSpectrum Plus (in Spanish, subtitles available)
#czspectrum #retrocomputing #speccy #czerweny
The #CZ2000 is on its way home.
- #TK95 (I already located one)
- #CzSpectrum Plus - it was the last model made by #Czerweny before they literally burnt out. Typical #Speccy in a #ZxSpectrum+ box, similar to the Spanish design by Investronica. It also had the ROM BASIC error messages translated, which was the cause of some incompatibility with certain titles. Very few CZ Plus were made, and I've never seen one in the flesh. No expectation or interest to get one.
#cz2000 #tk95 #czspectrum #czerweny #speccy #zxspectrum #retrocomputing
The success of this transaction is more uncertain than previous ones and it may not be completed to satisfaction, but it's my last chance to grab one of these for a price below ridiculousness.
It's one of the earliest #ZXSpectrum clones made by #Czerweny in Argentina, for all purposes an exact replica of the original #Speccy 48 and a CZ 2000 sticker.
Should be delivered next week if I'm lucky. If I'm not, the transaction is insured and I always get my money back.
#zxspectrum #czerweny #speccy #retrocomputing #cz2000
Just like starting over.
#czspectrum #czerweny #zxspectrum #speccy #retrocomputing
CZ Spectrum 48k is here earlier than expected, and it looks better than it did in pictures I had seen before.
I don't have an original Sinclair to compare here with me right now, but from my recollection this exactly the same case of the ZX Spectrum Plus, with the notable divergence of a flat faceplate on top, and a rubber keyboard. Weird little hybrid outwardly, all Sinclair inside.
We'll see what more I can learn from it.
#retrocomputing #czspectrum #czerweny #zxspectrum #speccy