The Tyee: ‘The Imposters’ and Lies We Tell Ourselves #bcnews #TheTyee - via #CanadianAuthorsAwardforFiction #ScotiabankGillerPrize #TheImperfectionists #UniversityofToronto #ColumbiaUniversity #WilliamDeresiewicz #MalalaYousafzai #CzeslawMilosz #TheImposters #TomRachman
#BCNews #TheTyee #canadianauthorsawardforfiction #scotiabankgillerprize #theimperfectionists #universityoftoronto #columbiauniversity #williamderesiewicz #malalayousafzai #czeslawmilosz #theimposters #tomrachman
A true opium of the people is the belief in #nothingness after death, the huge solace, the huge comfort of thinking that for our betrayals, our greed, our cowardice, our murders, that we are not going to be judged
Not soon, as late as the approach of my ninetieth year,
I felt a door opening in me and I entered
the clarity of early morning.
One after another my former lives were departing,
like ships, together with their sorrow.
Czesław Miłosz
translated by Robert Hass and Czesław Miłosz
Late Ripeness
#czeslawmilosz #poem #poetry #todayspoem
> ... poet Nikki Giovanni’s insistence in her forgotten conversation with James Baldwin that “if you don’t understand yourself you don’t understand anybody else.”
# CzesławMiłosz #CZeslawMilosz #NikkiGiovanni #JamesBaldwin
by #MariaPopova
/HT @mariapopova
#nikkigiovanni #mariapopova #jamesbaldwin #czeslawmilosz
"My hand on chiseled stone": A touch across the centuries in Denise Levertov's "The Past (II)". #111Words #DeniseLevertov #Levertov #CzesławMiłosz #RobertHaas #ThePastII #ADoorInTheHive #Poetry
#poetry #adoorinthehive #thepastii #roberthaas #czeslawmilosz #levertov #deniselevertov #111words
.....And today I received my copy of Czesław Miłosz's ABC's
The box it came in, from Glands of Destiny First Edition Books came with a note of appreciation from proprietor...and a stamped message about assault weapons.
#MiloszABC #Milosz #Miłosz #CzesławMiłosz #CzeslawMilosz
#miloszabc #milosz #czeslawmilosz
For those need it: “Encounter” by Czesław Miłosz
We were riding through frozen fields in a wagon at dawn.
A red wing rose in the darkness.
And suddenly a hare ran across the road.
One of us pointed to it with his hand.
That was long ago. Today neither of them is alive,
Not the hare, nor the man who made the gesture.
O my love, where are they, where are they going
The flash of a hand, streak of movement, rustle of pebbles.
I ask not out of sorrow, but in wonder.
The tomb of Nobel Prize poet Czesław Miłosz of Lithuania/Poland, in Basilica of St. Michael the Archangel (Bazylika św. Michała Archanioła i św. Stanisława w Krakowie)
"a tendency to make fun of all power... enables [Poles] to dissolve every political system from the inside"- Miłosz in Native Realm
#TombTuesday #CzesławMiłosz #Miłosz #Milosz #Poet #Poland #Kraków #Krakow
#TombTuesday #czeslawmilosz #milosz #poet #poland #krakow
Lo que era grande pequeño resultó.
Los reinos palidecían cual cobre cubierto de nieve.
Lo que deslumbró ya no deslumbra más.
Las tierras celestes ruedan y lucen.
A la orilla del río, tendido en la hierba,
como hace mucho, mucho, suelto barquitos de corteza.
#HaceFaltaPoesia #czeslawmilosz
Rechazar. Rechazar todo. No, es eso.
No voy a resucitar nada ni regresar a lo pasado.
#HaceFaltaPoesia #czeslawmilosz
El primer movimiento es cantar.
La voz libre que llena las montañas y los valles.
El primer movimiento es alegría.
Pero ella es arrebatada.
#HaceFaltaPoesia #czeslawmilosz