Spielt #Bedard heute ΓΌberhaupt?
Nur 2 Tore fΓΌr Canada nach 25 Minuten
#WorldJuniors #czevscan #czecan #bedard
Diese Plays in Richtung der Goalies sind so verdammt gefΓ€hrlich
Warum werden die nicht bestraft???
Der Angreifer nimmt billigend Verletzungen des gegnerischen Goalies in Kauf
#worldjuniors2023 #czevscan #czecan
#FINvsSUI -> #SUI β
#SWEvsAUT -> #SWE β
#LATvsUSA -> #USA β
#CZEvsCAN -> #CZE β
#FINvsSVK -> #FIN β
#GERvsSWE -> #SWE β
#SUIvsLAT -> #SUI β
#AUTvsCZE -> #CZE β
#SVKvsUSA -> #SVK β
#CANvsGER -> #CAN β
#LATvsFIN -> #FIN β
#SWEvsCZE -> #SWE β
#USAvsSUI -> #USA β
#AUTvsCAN -> #CAN β
#SVKvsLAT -> #SVK β
#GERvsAUT -> #GER β
#SUIvsSVK -> #SUI β
#CZEvsGER -> #CZE β
#USAvsFIN -> #USA β
#CANvsSWE -> #CAN β
#FINvsSWE -> #SWE β
#CZEvsSUI -> #CZE β
#USAvsGER -> #USA β
#CANvsSVK -> #CAN β
70% prediction rate!
#finvssui #sui #swevsaut #swe #latvsusa #USA #czevscan #cze #finvssvk #fin #gervsswe #suivslat #autvscze #svkvsusa #svk #canvsger #can #latvsfin #swevscze #usavssui #autvscan #svkvslat #gervsaut #ger #suivssvk #czevsger #usavsfin #canvsswe #finvsswe #czevssui #usavsger #canvssvk
These were my guesses for today's #WorldJuniors games:
and these were the results:
#FINvsSUI -> #SUIβοΈ
#SWEvsAUT -> #SWEβοΈ
#LATvsUSA -> #USAβοΈ
#CZEvsCAN -> #CZEβοΈ
I'm sitting at 75% accuracy for the first day!
#WorldJuniors #finvssui #fin #swevsaut #swe #latvsusa #USA #czevscan #cze #sui
#WorldJuniors #IIHF #WJC #WJC2023
#czevscan #WorldJuniors #iihf #wjc #wjc2023
How many times did the announcers mention Wright versus how many times did they mention Bedard? #CZEvsCAN
#WorldJuniors #IIHF #WJC #WJC2023
#czevscan #WorldJuniors #iihf #wjc #wjc2023
#WorldJuniors #IIHF #WJC #WJC2023
#czevscan #WorldJuniors #iihf #wjc #wjc2023
Srsly, Canada? Just because the one player took a fall doesn't mean you gotta go prove the penalties correct. But go ahead! #CZEvsCAN
#WorldJuniors #IIHF #WJC #WJC2023
#czevscan #WorldJuniors #iihf #wjc #wjc2023
Watch the flood for the exit start soon. #CZEvsCAN
#WorldJuniors #IIHF #WJC #WJC2023
#czevscan #WorldJuniors #iihf #wjc #wjc2023
To the people behind the bench, at least look happy to be there. Gosh. #CZEvsCAN
#WorldJuniors #IIHF #WJC #WJC2023
#czevscan #WorldJuniors #iihf #wjc #wjc2023
Unless a mircle happen this game is going to be a π¨π¦ loss. Too much hot dogging, too many penalties and too little communication. Learn from it and and come prepared to work harder next game.
As for π¨πΏ , great game! Smart plays and hustle! Great start to your tournament.
#Canada #CZEvsCAN #WorldJuniors #WJC2023 #wjc #IIHF
#canada #czevscan #WorldJuniors #wjc2023 #wjc #iihf
Can Canada close the gap in under 4 minutes? I doubt it. #CZEvsCAN
#WorldJuniors #IIHF #WJC #WJC2023
#czevscan #WorldJuniors #iihf #wjc #wjc2023
Canada really ought to stay outta the box... but I don't really mind! #CZEvsCAN
#WorldJuniors #IIHF #WJC #WJC2023
#czevscan #WorldJuniors #iihf #wjc #wjc2023
PP Czechia!! #CZEvsCAN
#WorldJuniors #IIHF #WJC #WJC2023
#czevscan #WorldJuniors #iihf #wjc #wjc2023
Can see Czechia deflating some - Canada keeping it in the Czech zone. WAY TO PLAY, CZECHIA! #CZEvsCAN
#WorldJuniors #IIHF #WJC #WJC2023
#czevscan #WorldJuniors #iihf #wjc #wjc2023
That is some BEAUTIFUL net minding right there... #CZEvsCAN
#WorldJuniors #IIHF #WJC #WJC2023
#czevscan #WorldJuniors #iihf #wjc #wjc2023
Daughter comes back from eating. "Wow, that's a lot of goals for our team." #CZEvsCAN
#WorldJuniors #IIHF #WJC #WJC2023
#czevscan #WorldJuniors #iihf #wjc #wjc2023