NOTE: We would like to extend special thanks to Pajaro Valley Fire Protection District for funding this class. CAL FIRE & all of our contracting agencies take training very seriously so that we can deliver the highest level of community service. Thanks for making this possible. #calfire #CZU
Line construction, HAZMAT, hiking, EMS training, these are some of the exercises 20 firefighters are battling through in the 7-day rehire academy at the CAL FIRE Ben Lomond Training Center.…
#calfire #CZU
Shout out to our wonderful Highlands CERTs! They’re handing out fire safety related 🤩 coloring books and teaching materials to the little ones-and adding smiles and spreading good will to neighbors. To find out about the CERT program in your area, ➡️…
Three years ago today, we lost Coastside Fire Protection District Fire Captain David Lutz in an off-duty accident. FC Lutz was a true firefighter, tough to the core, with a fighting spirit. His fire family misses him dearly, & even though he is not here, he is with us every day.
Thanks @SMHarbor for the #MutualAid, and the great friendship/working relationship! 🚤🚒 #calfire #CZU
CAL FIRE, Coastside, & San Mateo County Fire trained at Pillar Point Harbor to prepare for a worst-case scenario boat🔥 It's important to know harbor's🌊system, how to get supply line to furthest location at end of dock or pier, securing utilities, & dealing with hazmat spills.⛵️
#calfire #CZU
CAL FIRE, Coastside Fire Apparatus Engineer Chris Bell and Fire Apparatus Engineer/Paramedic Tom Newt train the next generation of firefighters at Picasso Preschool in El Granada. 🚒🧯👨🚒
CAL FIRE, Coastside Fire, & San Mateo County firefighters responded to a 2-vehicle wreck at Hwy 1 and San Gregorio Beach. Six people were hospitalized, 1 in critical, 1 in moderate, and 4 people with minor injuries. @StanLifeFlight @AMR_Social @CHP_RedwoodCity is investigating.
Join us WEDNESDAY 6-8PM as panelists present a Wildfire Safety Virtual Town Hall. Defensible space, home hardening, fire-resistant landscaping, & 911 & emergency alert process. You can also ask questions. On Wednesday, June 14th at 6PM, CLICK LINK: ➡️
#calfire #CZU
Attention San Mateo Highlands: The chipper is coming your way July 10 & 11. “You cut, we chip!” See flyers for details and instructions.
Keeping their skills sharp, CAL FIRE, San Mateo County firefighters from Engine 17, Truck 17 and Engine 1771 conducted auto extrication training at San Mateo County Fire Station 17. 🚘
We train together, we respond together. #AlwaysReady #calfire #CZU
This is why they call us All Risk! The crew of Engine 41 in El Granada put some muscle behind the situation when they pushed Bob’s stalled car up the hill and out of the way of traffic today. We are part of this community!…
#calfire #CZU
Around 2PM today, CAL FIRE & @BoulderCreekFD responded to vehicle fire at Hwys 236 & 9. When crews arrived, vehicle was fully involved with extension into wildland. Approximately 1/8 acre of wildland burned as well. Fire was extinguished & contained quickly with no injuries.