Bonus Photo of the Day 17th June 2023.
G-BMYU, Wassmer (Jodel) D-120 Paris-Nice, parked outside one of the hangars at Manchester Barton, 9th June 1996.
#manchester #Barton #EGCB #Wassmer #Jodel #D120 #ParisNice
#avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
#manchester #barton #egcb #wassmer #jodel #d120 #parisnice #avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
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#tudarmstadt #d120 #fsarbeit #fachschaft #informatikstudium #darmstadt
#tudarmstadt #d120 #fsarbeit #fachschaft #informatikstudium #darmstadt
Bonus Photo of the Day 2020-05-11.
G-BMYU, Jodel D-120 Paris-Nice, at Manchester Barton, some time in the 1990s.
#avgeek #planespotting #potd #manchester #barton #egcb #jodel #d120
#d120 #jodel #egcb #barton #manchester #potd #planespotting #avgeek