#SeptembeRPG Day 10: A mash-up of games you did or you're thinking of doing
I‘d like to see/write an hybrid of an #osr / #d20 adventure game which also features a solid life path mechanic. Think #Traveller or #BurningWheel
The game would take social class seriously. I like to think of #osr PCs as folks moving along the fringes of society, anyway. Armed to the teeth & highly mobile, they operate to some extent outside the social order: misfits, swords for hire, spendthrift soldiers of fortune…
#septemberpg #osr #d20 #traveller #burningwheel
Look I'm just saying that people on Vinted will sell anything for £10 and it's absolutely fine to capitalize on that
These are Realmspace dice and they look like beaten up space ship parts, I love them
#ttrpg #dungeonsAndDragons #5e #wotc #pathfinder #dice #d20
It's one of those books:
Inferno | Acheron Games - MADE IN ITALY. SHARED WORLDWIDE.
Extra long session of #Pathfinder tonight due to the long weekend!
The party successfully infiltrated and sabotaged a cultist safe house/base under the mean streets of Riddleport and pinned the action upon their rivals.
Kytons are creepy, guardian constructs are painful, and they found out the cult leadership is stronger than they anticipated.
#hobby #ttrpg #d20 #dnd
#pathfinder #hobby #ttrpg #d20 #dnd
@wilderdbeere Editionswechsel erwogen? 2nd Edition #WFRP vielleicht?
Hausregeln - ich neige dazu, überflüssige Regeln abzustreifen/anzupassen?
#Warlock ist ein regelleichter #BOSR Klon auf #D20 Basis. (nicht #DnD, nur der Würfel)
Ja, die Welt ist fantastisch.
#warlock #WFRP #BOSR #d20 #dnd
It seems like it would be better for Elias, as a person, if The Fix spent more time with Pasha N. and less time with M. Bition
Little and large #DungeonsAndDragons #D20 #Dice
#dungeonsanddragons #d20 #dice
Eine neue #D20-Liste #pnpde #Rollenspiel-Hilfe auf #DriveThruRPG:: Zwanzig Kleine Zauber, die man nur an der Myra Schule der Magier, der MSM Esoteria, lernt: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/451715/MYRA--D20Liste-Kleine-Zauber-der-MSM-Esotoria - für #DnD5e #Pathfinder2e und auch #DasSchwarzeAuge - PayWhatYouWant -
Die MYRA Rollenspielhilfen sind für alle gedacht, die sich für die Rollenspiel-Kampagnenwelt MYRA interessieren und mit 1W20 Optionen in ihr Spiel einführen wollen. Spielinhalte dieser MYRA Rollenspielhilfe stehen unter der ORC-Lizenz. #ORC
#d20 #pnpde #rollenspiel #drivethrurpg #dnd5e #pathfinder2e #dasschwarzeauge #orc
#Mentopolis #D20 good tumblr posts drop. There is so much good HunchFucks art there. And Conrad art. I’m not gonna just repost art here tho. You can go look at my reblogs for that.
Can we talk about how amazing the captions are for this show?
They're very amusing, but still legible and informative
Just, I like them a lot.
#RPGaDay2023 day 28!
28. The scariest #TTRPG I played was a horror game I ran in Modern #d20. The game system itself wasn't at all scary, but early on in the campaign the PCs went off the rails and became more evil than the monsters they were hunting. It wasn't at all what anybody at the table had intended, and watching that descent was legit scary. We got to a point where we mutually agreed we were just walking away from that campaign.
I'm sure it's been done before, but I wanted to brush off my #math neurons. For #BaldursGate 3 players, here's a #graph showing how Advantage and Disadvantage affect your chance of success on #D20 rolls. Subtract your bonuses from the difficulty to find out what you need to roll in order to succeed.
#math #baldursgate #graph #d20
Just wanted to share my #DnD character, Halve-maen Rumspringa - level 4, and level 20. Lawful good gnome-druid bison-rider. Just finished our campaign that had been going on for about 3.5 years. What an adventure!
#dnd #dungeonsanddragons #druid #d20 #rollforinitiative #dandd
Die #RPGaDay2023 Antwort: Bestes #pnpde Rollenspielprodukt, das ich SecondHand bekam? Das Kampagnenset Vergessene Reiche #ForgottenRealms aus der #DungeonsAndDragons #D20 Zeit. Projektleitung Björn Meyer, Redaktion Carsten Brombach, zwei Namen aus dem Verein der Freunde Myras, die unterschiedlich viel aber beide zu #ProjektMyra beigetragen haben. Unschlagbares Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis, denn der Herrscher von Taphanac auf #Corigani hat mir das geschenkt als Björn&ich beide bei Ulisses waren.
#rpgaday2023 #pnpde #forgottenrealms #dungeonsanddragons #d20 #projektmyra #corigani
Für die #RPGaDay2023 Antworten 20 (Werde ich noch in 20 Jahren spielen) und 21 (Favorite Licensed RPG) verweise ich auf Antwort 18: https://rollenspiel.social/@projektmyra/110937841853836578 Ich bin überzeugt dass die #dungeonsanddragons Produktfamilie durch die offenen #OpenGaming Lizenzen #D20 #OGL und jetzt #OpenRPG #ORC von #Paizo und #UlissesSpiele weiter gehen wird und annehmend dass ich noch 20 Jahre habe werde ich da weiter spielen, auf MYRA statt #Aventurien #ForgottenRealms #Golarion
#rpgaday2023 #dungeonsanddragons #opengaming #d20 #ogl #openrpg #orc #Paizo #UlissesSpiele #Aventurien #forgottenrealms #Golarion #rpgaday #pnpde #projektmyra
Day 21 – Favourite licensed RPG.
The one that springs to mind is #d20 #Conan. I love sword and sorcery and it came out at a time when I was adept at using d20 mechanics. It was an enjoyable fit.
The problem I have with #TTRPG licenses is that when they run out support inevitably ceases, everything goes out of print, and someone else scoops up the IP and starts again with different systems. I personally don’t find that pleasant.
#rpgaday #rpgaday2023 #d20 #conan #ttrpg
Jour 19 : Aventure PUBLIÉE préférée -> Archipels et les Arkonautes d’Oriflam avec une profonde révérence à notre MJ qui m’a intégré en cours et à su créer une grande cohésion et nous canaliser !
#ffjdr #d1000_et_d100 #RPGaDay #RPGaDAY2023 #unduoroliste #d20 #dnd #oriflam
#oriflam #dnd #d20 #unduoroliste #rpgaday2023 #RPGaDay #d1000_et_d100 #ffjdr