Jimmi Dyson · @jimmidyson
85 followers · 60 posts · Server hachyderm.io

Another great blog post from one of my amazing colleagues, Max, at : "Automatic deployment updates with "


#d2iq #Flux #kubernetes #cd #gitops #containers #cncf

Last updated 2 years ago

Jimmi Dyson · @jimmidyson
85 followers · 60 posts · Server hachyderm.io

First time using 's registry and it's kinda great isn't it? Pushed a first (or rather fifth after I got the release process working properly) release of github.com/d2iq-labs/csi-drive - a driver to manage trusted CA in a consistent way, simple deployment on via . This was an project that came out of our recent (or, as we called it, Innovation Days).

#github #container #csi #certificates #kubernetes #helm #opensource #d2iq #hackathon

Last updated 2 years ago

Jimmi Dyson · @jimmidyson
31 followers · 17 posts · Server hachyderm.io

👋 I'm from a tiny village in the . Father of 2 teens and toddler, amazing human beings! Partner to a person that inspires me every day ❤️

Software engineer for way too long, hacking on stuff in the ecosystem at . LOVE & championing less experienced engineers.

But really just want to start a ...

Thanks to @nova for , which feels like an online space that I want to live in in the physical world ❤️

#introduction #UK #kubernetes #d2iq #mentoring #community #cafe #hachyderm

Last updated 2 years ago