I have given my tool (#dBmonster) a few updates. Among other things, it is now possible to search for WiFi devices that have been around for a while. This way trackers and stalkers can be detected and victims can be warned early enough. The idea came from Matt Edmondson's BlackHat article. I don't think/hope this will be of much use to anyone, but the idea itself is definitely interesting.
My tool:
📬 Lesetipps: Lebensgefährliche Metadaten und Kampfregenschirme
#Lesetipps #Cemu #DavidHeberlein #dBmonster #GeneralMichaelHayden #KaliLinux #Meta #Metadaten https://tarnkappe.info/lesetipps/lesetipps-lebensgefaehrliche-metadaten-und-kampfregenschirme-254861.html
#metadaten #meta #kalilinux #GeneralMichaelHayden #dBmonster #DavidHeberlein #cemu #lesetipps