This new Direct Air Capture #DAC plant will be located in the Great Rift Valley in Kenya, and it’s the first such plant in the Southern Hemisphere. The Valley formed as a result of three tectonic plates meeting in one place. This phenomenon has created unique geology, which the entrepreneurs at Octavia feel could be an ideal place to capture and store CO2 underground.
「世界初!大気中のCO2を岩石で回収、コンクリートへ吸収させることに成功」: きらぼしコンサルティング
「スタートアップの #Heirloom 社は、サンフランシスコの少し南に位置するブリスベンの本社で、 #石灰岩 を利用した #DAC (ダイレクト・エア・キャプチャー)技術により大気中の CO2 を回収した。
石灰岩は豊富にあり、安価で容易に入手可能である。回収された CO2 はカリフォルニア州サンノゼにあるCarbonCure社(本社はカナダ)の #コンクリート 工場にキャニスターで運ばれた。その後、コンクリート・トラックを洗った後に回収された再利用水に注入され、CO2 が水中のセメントと即座に反応して鉱物化し、コンクリートを製造できた。
#heirloom #石灰岩 #dac #コンクリート #prattohome #きらぼしコンサルティング
Question #hifi :
Quelle solution open-source pour un #DAC diy ?
Le besoin est simple : streamer de l'audio vers l'installation hi-fi depuis les téléphones et ordis de la maison, comme on le ferait avec un récepteur Bluetooth.
J'ai vu #volumio ou #runeaudio, mais ça ne parle que de lire de l'audio depuis des NAS ou du stockage local, alors qu'ici, on écoute depuis Spotify, Qobuz ou BandCamp.
Le repouet, grandement apprécié, blanchit les dents et fait repousser les cheveux.
#hifi #dac #volumio #runeaudio
#ClimateProgress in #DAC & #CDR
Heirloom's Brisbane, California power plant successfully extracts #CO2 from the atmosphere, an important accomplishment in direct air capture technology.
This captured carbon is now seamlessly integrated into CarbonCure's operational units at Central Concrete's San Jose facilities. The result?
Ready-mix concrete that not only boasts top-notch quality but also actively reduces its carbon footprint sequestering that CO2!
#co2 #cdr #dac #climateprogress
#goodspress #bluetoothスピーカー #dac #edifier #qd35 #ハイレゾ
#goodspress #bluetoothスピーカー #dac #edifier #qd35 #ハイレゾ
As of December 2022, there were 6,630 stores using transcritical CO2 systems in Japan's commercial refrigeration sector, up from 5,800 stores reported in 2021. #DAC
The saddest part about this #DAC project is that the moment government money tap is closed it will gather dust, as there's zero profit to be made in storing carbon underground.
This is basically a handout to Occidental. They sell a barrel of oil for $80 and then get at least another $80 for cleaning up after themselves.
As long as the profit motive dominates in our culture no technology will be enough to solve the #ClimateCrisis.
#climatechange #capitalism #climatecrisis #dac
The first recipients will include Occidental Petroleum’s proposed carbon-removal project in Kleberg County, Texas, as well as a partnership between Battelle, Climeworks, and Heirloom to develop facilities in southwestern Louisiana. Those two projects will split roughly $1.1 billion.
Occidental’s CEO, Vicki Hollub, said at an oil and gas conference in March that direct air capture will help "preserve our industry over time".
#greenwashing #dac #climatechange
Carbon farming activities adopted at larger scale via appropriate land management practices represent great potential in contributing to and reaching our climate objectives.
Great to see that the EU parliament is pushing for BioChar Carbon Removal as one of the most scalable and durable technologies in mitigating climate change. #DAC #CDR #BioChar #ClimateProgress #ClimateSolutions
#climatesolutions #climateprogress #biochar #cdr #dac
@AndrewHenry @gwagner @chrisnelder
Colorado lawmakers gave initial approval for a study to assess whether biochar would work to plug defunct wells.
Sequestering carbon dioxide that been pulled from our atmosphere in order to help prevent more greenhouse gases from polluting our thin, precious atmosphere. #BioChar #DAC #CDR
And I've never once suggested otherwise, although I'm glad that #DAC has become an option for the people that continue to do things like fly to conferences and such.
Occidental, since Democrats won in 2020 and mostly did in 22 has now changed their tune and has announced its intention to stop extracting fossil fuels I think that I noticed which seems better than the other major oil & gas companies have done so far as far as I know.
Thankfully, the direct air capture (DAC) industry is entering a rapid growth phase, as the fourth Climeworks Direct Air Capture Summit recently highlighted. The industry is scaling up through deployment-led innovation from innovators and project developers, an increasing number of customers in the voluntary carbon market, and legislation coupled with demand signals from governments.
#DAC #ClimateProgress
A major point that I'm trying to convey to non-soil scientists is that using BioChar to remove carbon dioxide out of our thin, precious atmosphere can be both a direct mitigation as well as an adaptation to #GlobalWarming
#BioChar #DAC #CDR #Flooding #WildFires
#wildfires #flooding #cdr #dac #biochar #GlobalWarming
Good thing that #DAC is not a substitute for emissions reductions. No one seriously discussing our carbon budget doesn't recognize that we've got to try to remove legacy emissions.
Ignoring legacy emissions is climate science denialism and abandons thousands and thousands of species to let them go extinct, but not many people seem to care, so hard to say what will happen I reckon.
Most oil & gas companies are still fighting against #ClimateAction but not all of them.
Upon completion and operational in mid-2025, their first #DAC plant will be the world’s largest of its kind and will be an important step in advancing Occidental’s low-carbon strategy to deliver large-scale carbon management solutions that accelerate a net-zero economy.
If there is a faster way to get to a net-negative economy let me know your plans to achieve it?
Interested in reducing the [CO2] of our thin, precious atmosphere? Here's a map of where there are Carbon Dioxide Removal facilities. #CDR #DAC I'm hoping that they add #BioChar producers to the map soon.
If the GOP hadn't successfully stolen the 2000 election "crazy" technologies like Direct Air Capture #DAC wouldn't be necessary to deploy.
Unfortunately, we have to deal with the reality we have rather than the alternative history we wish we had. These plants will work quite well at geothermal electricity plants and anywhere that CO2 can be sequestered or used to offset the fossil CO2 that we're still extracting.
Yes, we're still pumping CO2 out of the ground for dry ice, Pepsi and such. 😢
Audio people - I'm using a 1st-gen Schiit Fulla for my BD DT990 Pro 250Ω. Is it worth it to get the latest-gen Fulla?
#audio #MusicTech #audiotech #dac #amp #headphones
Audio people - I'm using a 1st-gen Schiit Fulla for my BD DT990 Pro 250Ω. Is it worth it to get the latest-gen Fulla?
#audio #MusicTech #audiotech #dac #amp #headphones