CMTA's Digital Assets Custody Standard v2 is finally ready for prime time! It's designed to help institutions find fit and proper crypto custody providers with state of the art security measures in place.
I'm glad that I and my team of cryptographers and IT architects at Bitcoin Suisse were able to contribute to the #DACS.
Studieren an der Hochschule des Bundes? Im Gastbeitrag schreibt Prof. Schulze, was den Studiengang "Digital Administration and Cyber Security" #DACS besonders macht und welche Perspektiven es für IT-Fachkräfte in der #Verwaltung gibt 👉 Sehr spannend! #OZG
Advisors: Learn Crypto, or Your Clients Will - The disconnect between financial advisors and their clients around crypto has become incr... - #bitwiseassetmanagement #cryptoforadvisors #financialadvisers #financialadvisors #cryptoinvesting #bitcoinprice #cryptomining #newsletters #finance #opinion #bitwise #dacs
#dacs #bitwise #opinion #finance #newsletters #cryptomining #bitcoinprice #cryptoinvesting #financialadvisors #financialadvisers #cryptoforadvisors #bitwiseassetmanagement
Crypto Long & Short: Washington Plays Tennis With Crypto - Glenn Williams Jr. examines what politicians are saying about crypto regulation in Washin... - #digitalassetclassificationstandard #coindeskmarketindex #cryptolong&short #cryptoexchange #washingtondc #bitcoinprice #newsletters #garygensler #regulation #finance #opinion #dacs
#dacs #opinion #finance #regulation #garygensler #newsletters #bitcoinprice #washingtondc #cryptoexchange #cryptolong #coindeskmarketindex #digitalassetclassificationstandard
Am meisten CO2 wurde mittels #Pflanzenkohle entfernt, gefolgt von #Pyrolyseöl und #BeschleunigterVerwitterung.
Gekauft wurde primär #CO2Entfernung durch #Pflanzenkohle, #Mineralisierung von Zement in Beton und über die Entfernung &Speicher von CO2 direkt aus der Luft #DACS.
#dacs #mineralisierung #co2entfernung #beschleunigterverwitterung #pyrolyseol #pflanzenkohle
Over the past several days I've been testing the Helm Bolt AMP/DAC and the Helm DB12 THX AAA portable AMP. All I can say is you won't find a better sounding portable AMP/DAC setup in the $200 price range. The folks at Helm did an outstanding job with this gear. #audiophile #hifi #thx #amplifiers #dacs
#audiophile #hifi #thx #amplifiers #dacs