Sorry for using my #Twitter accounts to commentate on #AEWFullGear. Some questions:
Where if Tony Khan’s @Mastodon account?
Is #DaddyAss the new means of avoiding @WWE from claiming TM infringement?
Was #JaymeHayter vs. #ToniStorm the best Western #WomensWrestling match?
Has #AEW approached #MadisonEagles?
Why is the #TBSchampionship on someone who is still green after two years?
If #LanceArcher the next #ChristianCage #monster?
Am I the only 1 who misses blue-bar steel cages?
#twitter #AEWFullGear #daddyass #jaymehayter #tonistorm #womenswrestling #aew #madisoneagles #TBSChampionship #lancearcher #christiancage #monster #wrestling
Sorry for using my #Twitter accounts to commentate on #AEWFullGear. Some questions:
Where if Tony Khan’s @Mastodon account?
Is #DaddyAss the new means of avoiding @WWE from claiming TM infringement?
Was #JaymeHayter vs. #ToniStorm the best Western #WomensWrestling match?
Has #AEW approached #MadisonEagles?
Why is the #TBSchampionship on someone who is still green after two years?
If #LanceArcher the next #ChristianCage #monster?
Am I the only 1 who misses blue-bar steel cages?
#twitter #AEWFullGear #daddyass #jaymehayter #tonistorm #womenswrestling #aew #madisoneagles #TBSChampionship #lancearcher #christiancage #monster #wrestling