Various Artists – Baby I’m Yours
DC Baby Records have put together a collection of songs to launch themselves as a label that champions independent London indie.
The Tacticians have the unenviable task of setting the tone for this seventeen-track compilation and, with the weight o... #Music #SingleReviews #DaddyLongLegs #DCBabyRecords #KillElectric #TheDirtyFeel #TheDistance #TheLygers #TheRebacas #TheTacticians
#music #singlereviews #daddylonglegs #dcbabyrecords #killelectric #thedirtyfeel #thedistance #thelygers #therebacas #thetacticians
#TodayILearned that #DaddyLonglegs are not #spiders. These #arachnids lack a true spider's separate abdomen, and they have only two eyes; most spiders have six or eight. #TIL
#todayilearned #daddylonglegs #spiders #arachnids #til
Fred Astaire and Leslie Caron in the Technicolor, CinemaScope 20th Century-Fox musical, “Daddy Long Legs” (1955).
This was the first Astaire picture I ever saw and the best of his 1950s efforts. The great music by Johnny Mercer is a big plus.
#OldHollywood #Musicals #FredAstaire #LeslieCaron #DaddyLongLegs
#oldhollywood #musicals #fredastaire #lesliecaron #daddylonglegs