Seems fair to show the first Plague Hulk I had, the Forge World model. Such a shame it has now gone.
Only minor conversions done.
I really would be happy to add a third one at some point. Not great in games, rarely play 40K, but three Plague Hulks would be a great sight to see.
#Nurgle #40K #PlagueHulk #ForgeWorld #40KConversion #DaemonEngine
#Nurgle #40k #plaguehulk #ForgeWorld #40kconversion #daemonengine
Nothing new to show, so here is an old project.
I already had a Forge Word Plague Hulk, but really wanted a second. So I combined a Defiler, Soulgrinder bits, a Tyranid claw, Plague Drone head, styrene, Green Stuff, some other bits & pieces and a ping pong ball and came up with this.
Quite happy with the result.
#Nurgle #40k #plaguehulk #40kconversion #daemonengine