Hello sciences.social! I work on social policy and programme evaluations, primarily RCTs and quasi-experiments, at the National Centre for Social Research (NatCen) in London, UK.
#introduction #evaluation #ProgramEvaluation #PolicyEvaluation #SocialScience #ProgrammeEvaluation #CausalInference #RStats #DAGs #methodology #RCT #QuasiExperiment
#Introduction #evaluation #programevaluation #policyevaluation #socialscience #programmeevaluation #causalinference #rstats #dags #methodology #RCT #quasiexperiment
'Polynomial-Time Algorithms for Counting and Sampling Markov Equivalent DAGs with Applications', by Marcel Wienöbst, Max Bannach, Maciej Liśkiewicz.
#causal #dags #markov
Week in Brussels:
- #EUCO talks #Mercosur
- #DAGs renewal
- Nigeria
- Singapore
Rob Francis's weekly round-up here:
With the gloomy news about the Twitter API, I thought I'd finally make the move! So here's my #introduction:
I'm a PhD fellow in political science. I study how voters assess the economy, with a particular focus on 'uneven' economic developments that (dis)favor their social in-groups.
Beyond my substantive interest in voter psychology, I think I could do almost anything as long as it involved causal inference. Especially with #DAGs!
Looking forward to getting to know the platform and y'all! 🎉
FedDAG: Federated DAG Structure Learning
Erdun Gao, Junjia Chen, Li Shen, Tongliang Liu, Mingming Gong, Howard Bondell
Met my friend and her dogs for a walk
#germanshepherd #schäfer #dags #hundar
#Hundar #dags #schafer #germanshepherd
Regardless of COVID, it seems that causal inference methods are finally entering the mainsteam.
Use of #DAGs & awareness of #ColliderBias and the #Table2Fallacy are skyrocketting! Even a general medical journal (JAMA) has now produced primers on these issues
But we are still desparately short of advice and guidance on how best to use causal inference methods for applied research; we need more funding for meta-science and methods translation!
#epiverse #table2fallacy #colliderbias #dags
#happytuesday ❗️❗️🌟
#Japanesestyle #heal
#dags #ほっとひといき
Does this heal your mind ?
忙しい火曜日にちょっとほっこり 。
#happytuesday #Japanesestyle #heal #dags #ほっとひといき
When you mest your friande.
#dags #Schäfer #germansheperd #play
#play #germansheperd #schafer #dags
Impressed by the strong presence of #DAGs at the #Neuroepidemiology Course here in #Erice! And no, not only in my talk 😉
This morning: Prof. Giancarlo Logroscino presents the paper on DAGs in applied work from
@pwgtennant et al. #EpiVerse
#dags #neuroepidemiology #erice #epiverse
Time for an #introduction:
I’m Ewan 👋 a statistician and researcher in Biostatistics & Health Informatics, King’s College London. I do things with numbers and mental health.
Right now, that includes: (1) mental-physical links in routine data; (2) wearable sensors to predict depression; (3) clinical trials of digital interventions.
I’m excited about #OpenScience, #Bayesian (#brms), #MixedModels, #rstats, #tidyverse, #Quarto, #DAGs.
Elsewhere: gravel cycling, ⚽️, ☕️, breaking things in #Linux.
#linux #dags #Quarto #tidyverse #rstats #mixedmodels #brms #bayesian #OpenScience #introduction
Mais um texto que publiquei no Portal Deviante. #CausalTwitter #Causalidade #Epidemiologia #JohnSnow #Colera #DAGs #IV
RT @PortalDeviante@twitter.com
O que John Snow tem a ver com Variáveis Instrumentais? - Deviante https://bit.ly/3dcQUgG
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/PortalDeviante/status/1361651566642663426
#CausalTwitter #causalidade #epidemiologia #johnsnow #colera #dags #iv