I have a little culinary project that is bringing me much joy. I’m obsessed with Indian #dal. The goal: a set of distinctly different ones, each using a different lentil/bean/pulse, and each with a different, interesting flavor/character. I’m going to track these in this thread! For you, but really for me to have a record. So far, I have found 5, but I have at least 4 more “directions” to pursue. Follow along for all the dal fun! #daal #dahl #IndianFood
@jenniferplusplus There is a Roald #Dahl short story about a story writing machine that operates very much like #AI does now. Can’t remember how it ends and can’t look it up ‘cos my son has nicked the book. But it’s undoubtedly dark and I wouldn’t be surprised if Dahl’s dark prophecy will come true.
quelle horreur les livres electroniques... #amazon #Dahl #chocolaterie
He llevado a una tienda de libros de segunda mano tres ejemplares de mi biblioteca... Y me he vuelto con cinco. No tengo remedio.
Entre ellos, estos tres que pertenecen al tiempo pre-censura de #Dahl. En casa estaréis seguros y cuidados, no os preocupéis.
Cómo me alegro de que exista el #Tolkien Estate para salvaguardar los textos originales de #JRRTolkien.
Forcing censored versions of #Dahl's works onto devices is ridiculous: https://nypost.com/2023/02/20/what-are-the-words-removed-from-roald-dahls-books/
Sure, not great but today's standards, but they weren't written today. I cringed at the blatant sexism when taking a Dale Carnegie course, but it was written in a different era.
Don't like a book? Stop reading it. Don't try to rewrite our history of ever-changing ideologies.
Het is tijd voor strenge kwaliteitseisen aan #SensitivityReaders
Roald Dahls taalgebruik „zou aanstootgevend zijn” zegt de presentatrice van het Journaal. Zou? Het ís aanstootgevend. Dat is precies de bedoeling en elke jonge lezer snapt dat. #Dahl gaat voor in de wraak van de machtelozen: tegen vreselijke grote mensen is weinig verweer, maar met uitlachen kom je een heel eind. https://www.google.nl/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwipnceSqLj9AhWD-aQKHWWyABgQFnoECA4QAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nrc.nl%2Fnieuws%2F2023%2F02%2F22%2Fhet-is-tijd-voor-strenge-kwaliteitseisen-aan-sensitivity-readers-a4157823&usg=AOvVaw2FeybeCjIrGp_IAok5sqCk
Eff You, You Fat-Headed Roald #Dahl - #Censoring Effers https://www.mcsweeneys.net/articles/fuck-you-you-fat-headed-roald-dahl-censoring-fuckers
Roald Dahl and the woke censor
Rewriting children’s books written over 40 years ago to conform to overwrought modern sensitivities is disrespectful to authors and readers alike. #Dahl
Penguin to publish 'classic' Roald #Dahl books after backlash | AP News
Dopo #Dahl, anche #Hemingway finisce nel mirino della #censura #politicallycorrect. Cambiata la parola "vecchio" dal titolo perché discriminatoria ed eliminata la foto dell'autore in copertina perché potrebbe offendere i #giovani.
#dahl #Hemingway #censura #politicallycorrect #giovani #satira #libri
Was this just a marketing gimmick, to manufacture outrage over the edited books, or did they actually cave a second time?
This feels like "Choose Your History" labeling one as "Classic" and the other as an unmentioned censored version.
If I were cynical, I'd say this "Roald Dahl rewritten to be less offensive" stunt was done by Dahl's publisher as a favour to the #Tories to give them another culture-war bullshit side-show.
*If* I were feeling cynical.
Either way, #Dahl himself changed his books over time (originally the Oompa Loompa were from "deepest, darkest Africa!"). He was also a fervent anti-Semite so let's not get too worked up about him...
#Tories #dahl #roalddahl #UK #politics #culturewar
#dahl #roalddahl Bin durch Christina Dongowski @Tinido hierauf gestoßen worden:
Der Artikel zum Interview mit
@Johannesfranzen fasst eine entscheidende Stelle daraus bündig zusammen: "Kindern [ist] die philologische Integrität von Büchern relativ egal. Sie wollen gute Geschichten lesen." Erfordern Texte aber zu viele Kontextualisierungen, werden sie einfach nicht mehr gelesen.
Aus meiner Sicht: Teilt die Varianten in einem Apparat mit u allen ist gedient.
Aufregung bei Rechten wegen vermeintlicher "#Sprachpolizei", die einzelne Worte beim Autor #Dahl hinterfragt.
Währenddessen verbieten Rechte in den USA - so wie Putin in Russland - ganze Bücher, dies sich mit #LGBTQ beschäftigen
Bürgerliche #Doppelmoral
#sprachpolizei #dahl #lgbtq #doppelmoral
Es gibt keinen Unterschied zwischen der Zensur in autoritären Staaten und jener, welche ihre Schlechtigkeit anderen unterstellen und deshalb alles vermeiden wollen, was diese zum Vorschein bringt.
Wir leben in der Postaufklärung. Menschen müssen wieder bevormundet werden und zwangserzogen.
#cancelCulture #dahl #puffin #postaufklarung
Na, jetzt wird‘s interessant, wenn #fett und #hässlich Begriffe sind, die man nicht in Kinderbüchern haben will/darf?
Ich habe bald eine #Bibliothek zensierter Bücher hier, wenn das mehr machen. Und ich werde sie behalten und meinen Kindern heimlich zum Lesen geben!
#fett #hasslich #bibliothek #rushdie #dahl #puffin
Interesting to see, in the fury over the changing of words in Dahl's work, that his original idea for Charlie in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was that Charlie would be a black hero, and his agent persuaded him to change - hopefully the new film of the book may be take that direction https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/15/books/roald-dahl-charlie-black.html?action=click&module=RelatedLinks&pgtype=Article. #Dahl
@fringemagnet Correct, thank you. I had been calling attention to the problem of #Dahl's #racism and #antisemitism on and off for a decade over on birdsite