Ich denke seit locker 2 Stunden "Ich könnte mir Spaghetti machen" und sitze immer noch mit dem Handy in der Hand auf dem Sofa. Ach ja, der Fuß zappelt.
#adhddays #adhs #adhsmeme #dailyadhd
Wenn du dein Essen mal wieder nach deinen aktuellen Lieblings-must eat-Saucen planst, nicht anders herum 😁
(...Und es dir bei'm Erstellen dieses Posts fast anbrennt 🙄)
#adhs #adhd #neurodivergent #adhsmeme #dailyadhd
Changed my morning coffee place a bit, my chair has at the same spot a little more space now.
Result: Bumped my head to a shelf and nearly got unconcious.
Hope my #adhd brain has learned now that there is a shelf...that in deed has been there since 6 years but was out of reach before.
The little Adhd monster inside is like: Oh I got 10 inches more space to somehow hurt my body yeah yeah yeah 👻😈
#goodmorning #coffee #neurodivergence #adhs #adhd #dailyadhd #adhdmemes
#adhd #goodmorning #coffee #neurodivergence #adhs #dailyadhd #adhdmemes