I have been distracting myself from the misery of UK news and politics with the only uplifting (so far) very-long-running news story: the trials of USA's ridiculous fascist presidential contender. #DailyBeans and related longer podcasts make it accessible even for someone outside the USA. (+They Might Be Giants theme tune!)
@muellershewrote@bird.makeup This makes me sad. I love AG's take on the news and the way she keeps us updated, but I'm NOT going to create an account on Post any more than I was going to go back to T**tter.
I guess I'll just keep listening to the DailyBeans podcast until such time as we get an ActivityPub feed or AG starts posting on Mastodon or Calckey or...
@muellershewrote@bird.makeup @MuellerSheWrote@mastodon.online
#PostNews #DailyBeans
So, according to #DailyBeans we are not in recession. You all can resume supporting your favorite local artists β€οΈ
@tofugolem Dr. Allison Gill also covered this yesterday in her #dailybeans podcast. It sounds very dangerous for democracy in #pennsylvania. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-daily-beans/id1473747182?i=1000590262190
Hey masto's want to know more about the new #SpecialProsecuter for all things T#%mp? Check out my new favorite podcast hosted by #AndyMcCabe from the former guys justice dept AND the fabulous #AllisonGill from #MeulllerSheWrote, #DailyBeans and #CleanupOnAisle45 podcasts
Available everywhere and just dropped the 1st episode.
Real news and sometimes there's swearing but hey...the news is really fuckedup right now!
#specialprosecuter #andymccabe #allisongill #meulllershewrote #dailybeans #cleanuponaisle45 #youDontKnowJack
Any Daily Beans fans make it over here yet? #DailyBeans #MSWMedia #AllisonGill
#dailybeans #mswmedia #allisongill