@PureData Today's free patch is a quick hommage to Rain Dance on Herbie Hancock's album Sextant. Good to play along with this, and learn about ring modulation.
#nosuperscience #musicalpd #puredata #pd #dailyfreepatch #pdvanilla
#pdvanilla #dailyfreepatch #pd #puredata #musicalpd #nosuperscience
I'll start a series of daily free patches here.
They'd be usually Vanilla-based and are _simple_, half alive and
_meant to play with_. No super science at all, focus on musicality.
001 Bowl in harmonic A - is a watery glass bowl type of thing in harmonic variations of A.
If you like it, then give me a shout.
@PureData #nosuperscience #puredata #pd #dailyfreepatch #musicalpd #pdvanilla
#pdvanilla #musicalpd #dailyfreepatch #pd #puredata #nosuperscience