Yesterday, I facilitated a small group conversation about the basics of feminist philosophy. It was such a wonderful experience! At the end of the discussion, the participants (none of whom were 'professional' philosophers) came up with some fundamental principles for conducting feminist scientific research AND used those principles to critique the articles we had discussed!
#DailyPhilosophy #feministPhilosophy #feministPhilosophyOfScience
#feministphilosophyofscience #feministphilosophy #dailyphilosophy
Yesterday, I facilitated a small group conversation about the basics of feminist philosophy. It was such a wonderful experience! At the end of the discussion, the participants (none of whom were 'professional' philosophers) came up with some fundamental principles for conducting feminist scientific research AND used those principles to critique the articles we had discussed!
#DailyPhilosophy #feministPhilosophy #feministPhilosophyOfScience
#feministphilosophyofscience #feministphilosophy #dailyphilosophy
Every syllable, every action, every presentation is a vote within direct democracy. The more we relinquish this responsibility to civility, the more we condemn our peers to servitude. If everyone accepts reasonable agency; it is impossible for civility to be divisive without material coercion (be it physical or metaphysical).
If this harm is ever used to divide a community, it is the responsibility of the entire community to defend itself lest material harm be normalized.
Every syllable, every action, every presentation is a vote within direct democracy. The more we relinquish this responsibility to civility, the more we condemn our peers to servitude. If everyone accepts reasonable agency; it is impossible for civility to be divisive without material coercion (be it physical or metaphysical).
If this harm is ever used to divide a community, it is the responsibility of the entire community to defend itself lest material harm be normalized.
All systems should be assumed - from a theoretical standpoint - to be a reflection of the culture that it came from and critiqued as such. Further, ideological value systems are generally advertised as universally applicable, so dictating morality is an assurance of cultural imperialism and many will become uncivil.
Any outsider is subject to perception bias and can only know a limited amount of the plights and needs of another community. Even the most altruistic of invasive groups can be oppressive through ignorance.
The unquestioning defense of civility will lead to an inability to empathize with those neglected under its protection. For the most civility, there will be a damnation of sympathy for radical ideas since it is an affront what civility proclaims.
It should be apparent that radicality will only gain support when civility causes ideas to be suppressed. By contrast, defenders of civility will never acknowledge the harm caused as valid or meaningful.
For those in which their local "normal" does not include living; moral actions cannot be evaluated. The comfortable - and therefore stable - must succumb to their sub-normal peers (assuming absolute essentials do not become excessive) lest radical actors emerge.
We cannot respect others as independent and equal that we cannot identify, so language is necessary for cooperation (as opposed to assimilation or rejection). The more diversity of language we have, the more respect we can have for things that are not ourselves.
The product of any collaboration with an external community should always be considered excess so constructed consent is never manipulated into being dependent on an invasive legacy that aims to influence inherent civil consent.
If we internalize the experiences of the subnormal, it will allow society itself to become radical and normality can be universally met.
Radicality is always seen as a threat to legacies that have constructed local exclusionary mythoi.
Synonyms of civility such as "tradition", "cultural norms", “orthodoxy”, “time tested”, “appropriate”, “iconic”, “natural”, etc will always fundamentally appeal to the same underlying justification: the community has already accepted the idea as valid so it is factual. While any such claim is inherently socially "true", it is vital to note that the social cohesion provided becomes circular at the moment when it is defended.
Humans are physically lacking for individual competition in nature. Strength of numbers will allow greed and initial skill to be less valid. By benefiting both survival and tradition; community will always win over individual promotion. Yet this seems to contradict the benefits of greed. Without any way to mitigate this divide, humans (and all “herd animals”) are a living paradox. Fortunately, we practically adapt with by employing empathy that is portrayed repeatedly in tribes.
Those that support radicality are doing so because they are willing to be critical of civility, not because they deny it. While there are legacies that will lose the ability to be preserved if the aspect of civility they depend on is to become subjective, this cannot happen without the general community perception that the mythos is invalid.
what is the “self”? Philosophically, there is no universally consistent answer to this. The individual identity of a person will change over time either through experience or demand on responsibility. For example, the self may be extended to those you are responsible for (children, students, citizens, etc) or be restricted to exclude parts of yourself (feet, hands, eyes, etc). Being that it depends too much on personal interpretation, we cannot help to read it without bias.
If two people are conversing about two populations, a single normality cannot be established which will render any agreement impossible. For this reason, prior to any attempt at agreement, the community needs to be well defined prior to establishing what can be built from.
While religions should not be imposed nor treated as the single truth to follow, it is important to see how religion is reflected in culture. Since these structures tend to define knowledge and world views more than - arguably - any other institution, it is just as important to have an understanding of how they originated, what they believe, what caused them to succeed, and how culture affected them throughout their lifecycle.
While it's impossible to internally challenge our personal truths; searching for conflicting evidence, accepting it as valid, and then treating it equally is as close as we can come. Without this skill, we will be trapped by the perception bias.