#DailyReminder: please put a bio in your profile. YHou are intgeresting, please do not forget this. I love reading bios.
Jeden Tag daran erinnern!
#klimakrise #kipppunkte #irreversibel #irreversibelität
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mp3z9z3Ecv4 #dailyReminder #ClimateCrisis #MajaGöpel #Scientists4Future #FridaysForFuture #AllDaysForFuture #SystemChangeNotClimateChange #SystemChange
#systemchange #SystemChangeNotClimateChange #AllDaysForFuture #FridaysForFuture #scientists4future #majagopel #ClimateCrisis #dailyreminder #irreversibelitat #Irreversibel #kipppunkte #klimakrise
I’ve got options. You’ve got options. There are always options. #DailyReminder
#ProChoice #Abortion #AbortionIsHealthcare
Your daily reminder:
it isn't "pro life" it is forced birther
PS: if you have a better term, lets use it !!
Evangelicals opposition to choice is a recent thing fueled at least in part by politics !!
#ForcedBirthers #democrats #uspolitics #dailyreminder #abortionishealthcare #abortion #prochoice
#DailyReminder to please put a bio in your profile. This will serve as one form of your #introductions. You are interesting; remember this.
It’s always hard sometimes to remind yourself to stop and just take a moment to enjoy and calming moment.
#DailyReminder #MentalHealthMonth #MentalHealthAwareness #MentalHealth
#dailyreminder #mentalhealthmonth #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealth
Education is guarantee of sanity or ethics
a lot of educated people voted for Trump
The GOP is evil
Almost Every GOP house member voted against making contraception legal (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
#HanfdampfinallenGassen 🥦 Retweeted
#DailyReminder Die #Zeiten haben sich geändert. Wir™ haben die Zeiten geändert. Und wir werden damit nicht aufhören.
Wir werden das Rad der Geschichte weiter drehen, bis Cannabiskonsum so normal geworden ist wie... ach von mir aus halt wie #Brokkoli.
#Cannabis #befree #FridaysForFuture #something #Weedmob #fff #onelove
#CRISPR_rEvolution #fearless
#GEWALT, #trauma, #angst #NO 😃
#no #angst #trauma #gewalt #fearless #CRISPR_rEvolution #onelove #fff #WeedMob #something #fridaysforfuture #BeFree #cannabis #CannabisRausAusDemBtMG #brokkoli #Zeiten #dailyreminder #usualredant #steffengeyer #hanfdampfinallengassen
#DailyReminder to please put a bio in your profile. you are interesting. do not forget this. This is also a form of an #introduction as well.
RT @UsualRedAnt
#DailyReminder Wer dieses Land von einem großen Unrecht befreien will, wer Millionen Menschen mit einem Federstrich freier und gesünder machen will, wer es ernst meint mit dem #Paradigmenwechsel in der Drogenpolitik, der muss eines tun - #CannabisRausAusDemBtMG
#dailyreminder #paradigmenwechsel #CannabisRausAusDemBtMG
#DailyReminder #LovingReminder #GentleReminder
Hey there, Sexy Beings:
Please remember to include #AltText in your images for the benefit of those who use Screen Readers.
This is critical, as many of us will only Boost Toots that include Alt Text. Thank you very much. 🙏 😀
And here's how to do it:
1. Add image to toot.
2. Click Edit link.
3. Add Text Description.
4. Click 'Apply' Button.
5. Click 'Publish' Button.
6. Voila! You added Alt Text.
#kindness #Inclusion #gentlereminder #lovingreminder #dailyreminder #alttext
#dailyreminder that the market don't care about you. you are but a cog in an oppressive system that will drain you until there's nothing left and then toss you into the gutter.
the best you can do is act your wage and never, and i can't stress that enough - never actually engage in extra activities at work.
the boss is not your friend.
the company doesn't care about anything other than exploiting your time and attitute.
money is important, but it's temporary and you'll never get your precious time back and some day you'll feel how painful your back is and how miserable your life has become. don't neglect your health, family, hobbies for job and money. life is just so much more than endless work.
it's up for you to decide on what your priorities will be.
#actyourwage #socialism #antiwork #antimoney #fuckwork #anticapitalism
#dailyreminder #ActYourWage #socialism #antiwork #antimoney #fuckwork #anticapitalism
Hello lovelies,
I hope everyone is having a spooktacular Friday the 13th.
:trans_heart: :nd: :heart_pride:
#transisbeautiful #2slgbt2qia #dailyreminder
#ghoststory #television #tvseries #introduction #sciencefiction #tvshows #tvquotes #tv #art #mondaymotivation #mondaymorning #money #hardworkpaysoff #believeinyourself #womeninfilmandtv #DailyReminder #mastodon
Ghost is the weekly reminder to stay alive until you move out of your current apartment. If there's a chance that in the afterlife, you could end up trapped living for eternity with loud neighbors who as ghosts have been watching you, that would be hell.
#ghoststory #television #tvseries #introduction #sciencefiction #tvshows #tvquotes #TV #art #mondaymotivation #mondaymorning #money #hardworkpaysoff #believeinyourself #womeninfilmandtv #dailyreminder #mastodon
What do Muslims believe about Jesus ?
Muslims respect and revere Jesus (peace be upon him), and await his second coming. They consider him one of the greatest of God’s messengers to mankind. A Muslim never refers to him simply as `Jesus', but always adds the phrase "peace be upon
#islamic #islamicReminder #Quran #Muslims
#Muslimah #Abusharhudeen #muslimsmastodon
#DailyReminder #Allah
#islamic #islamicreminder #quran #muslims #muslimah #abusharhudeen #muslimsmastodon #dailyreminder #allah