#MarjorieTaylorGreene's 15 Minutes of Shame | #TheDailyShow
#TDSThrowback #DailyShow #comedy
Marjorie Taylor Greene was first elected to #Congress on a platform of some of the craziest #conspiracytheories you've ever heard of. Unfortunately, she's only gotten worse – “#QAnon,” “RBG had a body double,” and even “Jewish space lasers” are actual things that have rolled off her tongue. Here is a collection of #TrevorNoah dissecting some of #MTG's most roast-worthy moments.
#marjorietaylorgreene #thedailyshow #tdsthrowback #dailyshow #comedy #congress #conspiracytheories #qanon #trevornoah #mtg
#15yrsago How the #DailyShow’s PVRs work https://web.archive.org/web/20080819214437/http://www.pvrblog.com/pvr/2008/08/the-daily-show.html?cid=126776178
#15yrsago Transcript of my talk on “Life in the Information Economy” https://craphound.com/cambridge_biz_lectures.txt
#10yrsago Cross a border, lose your #ebooks https://listserv.crl.edu/wa.exe?A2=LIBLICENSE-L;1e13597c.1308&A2=LIBLICENSE-L;1e13597c.1308
#10yrsago Talking about the writing life https://www.shelf-awareness.com/readers-issue.html?issue=223#m4107
#5yrsago NYU makes #MedSchool free for all students https://www.wsj.com/articles/nyu-offers-full-tuition-scholarships-for-all-medical-students-1534433082
#15yrsago #dailyshow #10yrsago #ebooks #5yrsago #medschool
Happy Father's Day, Don Jr.! #tdsthrowback #dailyshow #donjr #fathersday #YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cWR-ZyGoq8
#tdsthrowback #dailyshow #donjr #fathersday #youtube
#RoyWood Jr.'s Best #FastFood Takes | #TheDailyShow
The Choco #Taco was trash, the #McRib was an ally, and #burrito bowls are scams, because if it ain’t wrapped up, it ain’t a burrito. Here’s a look back at some of Roy Wood Jr's hottest fast food takes over the years. #DailyShow #Comedy #TDSThrowback #RoyWoodJr
#roywood #fastfood #thedailyshow #taco #McRib #burrito #dailyshow #comedy #tdsthrowback #RoyWoodJr
OneVestigation App is Perfect For Organizing Your Crimes | The Daily Show #TDSThrowback #DailyShow #comedy #YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UzcIjwo2i0
#tdsthrowback #dailyshow #comedy #youtube
Lauren Boebert is...Piss Cop | The Daily Show #TDSThrowback #DailyShow #Comedy #YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QKD4GFhc-M
#tdsthrowback #dailyshow #comedy #youtube
Ronny Chieng’s Response to #JesseWatters’s Anti-#Asian #Racism
#RonnyChieng went to #Chinatown in response to Jesse Watters’s #racist segment about #Chinese-Americans, and talked about how the people of Chinatown were all for it. #RonnyChieng #TDSThrowback #DailyShow #Comedy
#jessewatters #asian #racism #ronnychieng #chinatown #racist #chinese #tdsthrowback #dailyshow #comedy
Hey Putin, knock it off #dailyshow #comedy #yts #jordanklepper #trump #putin #YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_ebg-T11kE
#dailyshow #comedy #yts #jordanklepper #trump #putin #youtube
> America is in the midst of long overdue changes around gender and power as it re-examines ideas about masculinity. But too often the conversation focuses on what men shouldn’t be, rather than what they should be. Jordan Klepper looks at Andrew Tate and breaks down how a void of role models has harmful consequences for young boys.
#dailyshow #JordanKlepper #LongStoryShort
"Wrong Place" Shootings on the Rise and Southwest Passenger Loses It Over Crying Baby | The Daily Show #DailyShow #Comedy #JordanKlepper #YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2uqsledNIg
#dailyshow #comedy #jordanklepper #youtube
#DesiLydic was great tonight I sincerely hope she is the permanent host I cant stress that enough #DailyShow
Making change through the power of song 🎵 😄😄 that's genius maybe if we did that the Republicans could ban singing next #DailyShow
Am watching the #DailyShow and Desi Lydic is killing it I really hope she is the permanent host
Pete Buttigieg & Desi Talk Infrastructure, Culture Wars, and What "Woke" Means
#teampete #bidenbounce #dailyshow
Desi Lydic deserves to be permanent host of the #dailyshow she is killing it
I can't believe I missed the #DailyShow last night the temporary host on last night is great at her job. Give #desilydic the spot she said it best last night about Tucker Carlson
I can't believe I missed the #DailyShow last night the temporary host on last night is great at her job and she should get a permanent spot
#FoxNews #DailyShow #Comedy #DesiLydic
Fox News Axes Tucker Carlson & Elon Musk Has a Blue Check Fiasco | The Daily Show
I laughed out loud at the #RoyWoodJr segment.
#foxnews #dailyshow #comedy #desilydic #roywoodjr
SHOTS FIRED. 😄 #FoxNews #TuckerCarlson #TheDailyShow #DailyShow
#dailyshow #thedailyshow #tuckercarlson #foxnews
SHOTS FIRED. 😄 #FoxNews #TuckerCarlson #TheDailyShow #DailyShow
#foxnews #tuckercarlson #thedailyshow #dailyshow