Boris Johnson punishment is ‘overly harsh’, Liz Truss says | The Independent
#johnson #WetLettuce #Truss #dailystar
@demoncat 🤣 🤣 🤣 What a superbly British joke, but #AltText4You - the image shows a desk photo of the new Speaker of the US House of Representatives; photo is on a desk with an iceberg lettuce with two eyes, and the caption "Day one: can Kevin McCarthy outlast this lettuce?" Refers to a series of front pages by UK Daily Star about Prime Minister Liz Truss, who indeed did not outlast the lettuce.
#alttext4you #kevinmccarthy #liztrusslettuce #dailystar
Wednesday's Star: Where's Rishi? #TomorrowsPapersToday #DailyStar #Star
#tomorrowspaperstoday #dailystar #star
Ok, so we've been asked for an update on the #JohnMastotrom saga:
- After 5 hours of persistent phonecalls our librarian walked out
- The band manager has left for a job as cultural editor for the #DailyStar
- Trevor has been persuaded to return as 2nd trom and his Aunt Doreen will take over as librarian
This leaves one vacancy to fill...
Grimethorpe Colliery Band are pleased to announce the appointment of #JohnMastadon as our new band manager.
#Welcome all you newbies/friends/followers! 🎺🎶
#JohnMastotrom #dailystar #johnmastadon #welcome
'People think my husband is too hot & call my marriage fake – they even say he's gay'
Brit 'sent flying into air' as he's mown down in horror #Thailand hit and run
#WorldCup #LGBTQ+ pitch invader was stopped by huge rugby tackle which was booed by crowd 😙
'I was born with both a vagina and testicles - sex used to hurt but now it feels good'
Man stunned as wife of 26 years runs off with lottery winnings to start life with lover
Monday's Star: Westminster Bubbles #TomorrowsPapersToday #DailyStar #Star
#star #dailystar #tomorrowspaperstoday
Ok, here goes. An #introduction. Hi everyone! I’m Meg and I write silly things for the #dailystar , as well as designing ads and stuff. Yes, we were very excited about the lettuce. I’m also an #SEND mum of two, with powerful ADHD and almost no sense of object permanence. What else? I like #sewing, #drag and the occasional #beer. I’m here because Elon Musk isn’t.
#introduction #dailystar #SEND #sewing #drag #beer
is A.I. our new master?
"Aidan Meller, who is behind the ultra-realistic Ai-Da robot, reckons within three years we will face unimaginable changes as man merges with machine.
He also believes Elon Musk is correct when he claims nuclear war would have less impact on mankind than AI.
“We are merging with machines – be warned, this is a changing world.”
#dailystar #robot #artist #ai #apocalypse #humans #technology
#technology #humans #Apocalypse #ai #artist #robot #dailystar