"You know, there are many women who are loud, but there are not many women who are loud and also smart!" - explained the guy yelling loudly into his phone in the middle of a restaurant.
#everydaysexism #dailywtf #moment
I have seen this SPF Record in the wild:
v=spf1 include:%{i}._ip.%{h}._ehlo.%{d}._spf.vali.email -all
and my first guess was: #lolwhat someone mixed up DNS deployment, turns out after reading RFC7208 ... This is a valid SPF DNS Record and i have absolutely no clue what is meant for .... :D #mindblown #mail #spf #dailywtf
#lolwhat #mindblown #mail #spf #dailywtf
Best way to not deadnaming me is to have a bug in the sollicitation letter generator #Headhunters #DailyWTF
First, please listen to 'This is the end: Pop Culture & collapse' , I recommend this episode https://www.podbean.com/ew/pb-fbate-1173811 where they talk about Don't look up (the movie) and climate change (low odds on that).
Second, cop27 and UN's futile attempts to help our beloved politicians reach some kind of agreement about how to tackle the climate catastrophy we're living in. They will set up a fund to help the worst off. How long will that take and does anyone think it's really going to help anyone but the richest?
Scrolling through the news, right after the fund-thing, who are the planets worst polluters, number one: coca-cola...
What if, I know this is stressing the current economy as we know it, what if we during an event like cop27 agree that those producing crap (in this case Coke and more specific plastic bottles) are responsible for taking care of it. You know, instead of hurling the problem onto us consumers.
Just saying.
#cop27 #politics #anarchy #podcast #dailyWTF
#dailywtf #podcast #anarchy #politics #cop27