2023.8.16~京都大文字🔥五山送り火【台風7号直後・令和5年京都五山送り火の実施】Daimonji-okuribi🔥Kyoto Japan https://www.alojapan.com/903053/2023-8-16%e4%ba%ac%e9%83%bd%e5%a4%a7%e6%96%87%e5%ad%97%f0%9f%94%a5%e4%ba%94%e5%b1%b1%e9%80%81%e3%82%8a%e7%81%ab%e3%80%90%e5%8f%b0%e9%a2%a87%e5%8f%b7%e7%9b%b4%e5%be%8c%e3%83%bb%e4%bb%a4%e5%92%8c5/
#Daimonji-okuribi #environment #Kyoto #Kyotodestinations #kyotojapan #kyototour #Kyototravel #Kyototrip #Kyotovacation #nature #ocean #travel #water #五山送り火 #京都 #京都五山送り火 #京都大文字 #令和5年 #台風7号 #旅行 #環境 #自然 #観光
#daimonji #environment #kyoto #kyotodestinations #kyotojapan #kyototour #kyototravel #kyototrip #kyotovacation #nature #ocean #travel #water #五山送り火 #京都 #京都五山送り火 #京都大文字 #令和5年 #台風7号 #旅行 #環境 #自然 #観光
The first time I saw the #Daimonji #festival in #Kyoto — the festival where they light mountains on fire in the shape of specific characters, but originally the 大 (dai) — was 2006. My digital camera game and local info game wasn't what it would become years later, but you can see already my desire to include the context of people in the shot, something I think that would really take off when I really dove into #StreetPhotography much later.
#daimonji #festival #kyoto #streetphotography