El 4 de junio de 1973 nace el actor Daisuke Hirakawa, Hen Jin en la versiĆ³n japonesa del corto The Ninth Jedi de Star Wars: Visions.
On June 4, 1973, actor Daisuke Hirakawa, Hen Jin in the Japanese version of the short The Ninth Jedi from Star Wars: Visions, was born.
#StarWarsVisions #henjin #daisukehirakawa #starwars
We all agree that Korelei and Hen Jin are the neatest couple in Star Wars. #StarWars #SW #Korelei #HenJin #Visions #DaisukeHirakawa #MayTheFourthBeWithYou
#starwars #sw #korelei #henjin #visions #daisukehirakawa #maythefourthbewithyou