These days my #CSS of choice is #TailwindCSS and I often default to the #daisyUI component library for quick template building
Maybe something you can use :blobcathearts:
Però nel mondo ci sono troppe persone geniali 🤩
#daisyUI adds component class names to #Tailwind #CSS
so you can make beautiful websites faster than ever.
Dockerでrails7 + tailwind + daisyuiの環境構築をする
#PostgreSQL #Docker #tailwindcss #Rails7 #daisyui
#postgresql #docker #tailwindcss #rails7 #daisyui
I finally found what I want to build with #tauri ! Currently setting up a project that will use #svelte, #daisyUI, #prisma (with the #rust client), #rspc and #sqlite (not set in stone) to record time spend on freelance projects and generate invoices. I will probably #opensource the project once I'm done with a MVP.
#tauri #svelte #daisyui #prisma #rust #rspc #sqlite #opensource
I love symbolic links. I have a set of POC starter projects. One uses #daisyui while the other uses #materialui . Depending on what my teams want to build on, I just set a symbolic link in my docker compose bash script and then you can startup with the right frontend.
Finally got my #docker containers up and running with my project (#nestjs and #react + #vite + #tailwindcss + #daisyui), #fusionauth (for AuthN), #cerbos (for AuthZ),#mailcatcher (for local SMTP), #postgres, and #adminer (for Postgres inspection).
I never really leveraged Docker this much for a personal project. It's pretty crazy though to be able to get all of this up and running in under 30-seconds from when I enter "docker compose up"
#docker #nestjs #react #vite #tailwindcss #daisyui #fusionauth #cerbos #mailcatcher #postgres #adminer #webdev #code #softwareengineering
Coming back to #webdev after more than a decade is amazing. The struggles we had with browser compatibility (which is what really drove me away), seem mostly solved and the speed at which you can build something with things like #tailwindcss and #daisyui blows my mind. I honestly thought I wasn't going to be able to execute some of my design ideas... turns out it's just a struggle and not necessarily impossible.