When it comes to alot of these archive type post,I've had to pull up sources in convo with others regarding convos that involve topics of colonialism. When it came to #changethename I've had folks that revered Abraham Lincoln that had no idea about #Dakota38. While stubborn they thanked me later for educating.
RT @thejohnlegg@twitter.com
December 26, 2022 is the 160th Anniversary of the largest mass execution in U.S. history. May we remember the 38 Dakota men hanged as an outcome of American expansion and empire. Below I will list their names in remembrance. After, you will find resources to learn more. #Dakota38
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/thejohnlegg/status/1607420198046384133
RT @thejohnlegg@twitter.com
December 26, 2022 is the 160th Anniversary of the largest mass execution in U.S. history. May we remember the 38 Dakota men hanged as an outcome of American expansion and empire. Below I will list their names in remembrance. After, you will find resources to learn more. #Dakota38
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/thejohnlegg/status/1607420198046384133
RT @thejohnlegg@twitter.com
December 26, 2022 is the 160th Anniversary of the largest mass execution in U.S. history. May we remember the 38 Dakota men hanged as an outcome of American expansion and empire. Below I will list their names in remembrance. After, you will find resources to learn more. #Dakota38
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/thejohnlegg/status/1607420198046384133
RT @SpottedElk7@twitter.com
On this day in White History, Abraham Lincoln gave the go ahead to hang 38 Innocent Dakota Warriors. Their crime defending their land n killing a cow to Feed their Tribe.
#Dakota38+2 #boyswithbraids
#AmericanIndianMovement #LandBack
#dakota38 #boyswithbraids #americanindianmovement #Landback
RT @HaidaPrincess@twitter.com
We Speak Your Name #Dakota 38 "@PeteDriessen@twitter.com: Remember the #Dakota38 +2. December 26, 1862. By order of President Abraham #Lincoln, the so-called Great Emancipator. #Dakota38 #Dakota38plus2 #MankatoHanging #indigenousgenocide #NativeAmerican #Mankato #Indigenous
#dakota #dakota38 #lincoln #dakota38plus2 #mankatohanging #indigenousgenocide #nativeamerican #mankato #indigenous
RT @PeltierHQ@twitter.com
“Grand Rising - all my Indigenous Peoples
today is a day of celebration not mourning.”
~Seth Eastman (#Dakota38Rider)
RT @PeltierHQ@twitter.com
Dakota 38 + 2 Riders… continue to be the strength for the Youth and the true voices of The Ancestors.
America continues to learn its full history.
GOFUND for #Dakota38+2:
Great piece of history told by Ruth Hopkins
Today is the anniversary of the largest mass execution in US history - the Dakota 38 - by order of Abraham Lincoln.
it's horrifying, and important.
Honor their memories.
RT @SpottedElk7@twitter.com
On this day in White History, Abraham Lincoln gave the go ahead to hang 38 Innocent Dakota Warriors. Their crime defending their land n killing a cow to Feed their Tribe.
#Dakota38+2 #boyswithbraids
#AmericanIndianMovement #LandBack
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SpottedElk7/status/1607377921228013573
#Landback #dakota38 #boyswithbraids #americanindianmovement
“The first thing I ever heard was, every time your horse’s foot hits the ground is a prayer,” she said. “That’s the strongest thing because we’re in ceremony. We’re here with a purpose.”
Riders with the #Dakota38+2 ride to maintain the memory of what happened before, during and after the U.S.-Dakota War of 1862.
One last Wokiksuye Ride: The #Dakota38+2 embarks on the final remembrance ride
This ride, which follows other similar journeys dating back to 2005, will be the last for the group. Leaders of the remembrance ride that marks a 162-year-old injustice have announced they will retire following this final journey east.
The riders started in Lower Brule #SouthDakota on Dec 10 and are traveling to Mankato for the Dec 26 Anniversary.
#minnesota #indigenous #native #southdakota #dakota38
Well, this had me looking up the history of the Dakota 38 and how the federal government tried to eradicate the Dakota Sioux. So, it might have achieved its purpose.
I wonder if we should expect additional acts before the 160th anniversary of the executions on Dec 26th, the largest mass execution in US history.
#lincoln #abrahamlincoln #dakota38 #dakota #nativeamericans #graffiti #vandalism
#lincoln #abrahamlincoln #dakota38 #dakota #nativeamericans #graffiti #vandalism
RT @Ruth_HHopkins@twitter.com
158 years ago today, the largest mass execution in U.S. history took place under the orders of Abraham Lincoln. On Dec 26, 1862, the day after Christmas, 38 Dakota warriors were hanged in Mankato, MN. #Dakota38
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Ruth_HHopkins/status/1342855867125927936