@johnmacintosh Yaeeeh! #Daktari is back. 🤣
With Cheetah, the chimp 🐒, and Clarence, the cross-eyed lion. 🦁
#TheBoldOnes s1e11 (1969) - 9/10
Medical emergency in space!
1️⃣ #TerryCarter (#BattlestarGalactica), #YaleSummers (#Daktari) and #TedHartley (#ChopperOne) are about to land on the moon when disaster strikes. Can #JohnSaxon’s blood save the day?
2️⃣ The drama is low-key but gripping. No OTT melodramatics here. Everything feels real, almost like a documentary.
#theboldones #terrycarter #battlestargalactica #yalesummers #daktari #tedhartley #chopperone #johnsaxon
#Daktari (1966-69, CBS) is now streaming on #Tubi.
All seasons, all episodes! Free w/ ads.
https://tubitv.com/tv-shows/714722/ #ClassicTV #1960sTV #1960s #Nostalgia
#nostalgia #1960s #1960stv #classictv #tubi #daktari
Tonight in 1966 — #Daktari debuted on CBS.
Producer #IvanTors’ family drama series was adapted from his 1965 film #ClarenceTheCrossEyedLion.
Both starred #MarshallThompson as a vet running an animal study center in Africa.
#nostalgia #1960stv #1960s #classictv #onthisday #marshallthompson #clarencethecrosseyedlion #ivantors #daktari