I can see why #Google is getting anxious about #ChatGPT. Google can find me a page that has the solution, but ChatGPT can give me the solution right away, which might be more useful for a variety of use cases.
For example, I just asked it to give me configuration settings to connect to #DALnet and other #IRC servers using Weechat as an authenticated user. It gave me a configuration specific to Weechat and IRC servers. Google searches only lead me to documentation pages, not the solution.
@ian Damn right. Though I hope they don't start having votes on it :)
We went through decades of this with #IRC, when #Eris forked off the main universe, to create #EFNet, then the major forks of #Undernet, #Dalnet and #IRCNet - I suppose the big difference here is that different servers can allow different functionality within the same galaxy.
We just need to bring back #SixDegrees and the only change we need to make on it, is to make sure that the only post editor is #TECO
#bringbackteco #teco #sixdegrees #ircnet #dalnet #undernet #efnet #eris #IRC
@SheDrivesMobility linkedin ist wie frueher im #IRC, wenn du vom #efnet ins #dalnet wechseln "musstest" und ploetzlich alles kras bunt und bold face.