"Words that matter"
Netflix’s decision to buy the Welsh-language drama Dal Y Mellt shows that the Celtic dragon’s roar can and will be heard around the world
#cymraeg #welsh #welshlanguage #linguistics #linguist #languages #DalYMellt
#cymraeg #welsh #welshlanguage #linguistics #linguist #languages #dalymellt #catchthelightning
@BabetteFfest Great news, I really enjoyed #DalYMellt. There was some good humour and some nice touching scenes amongst the crime. Hopefully this will make it more likely that S4C will dramatise the sequal, which is scheduled to be published in June this year.
@iantz Llongyfarchiadau i chi am fab mor dalentog! Y pum munud cyntaf efo'r esgid... Nes i ddechrau pennod cyntaf #dalymellt ond wedyn aeth pethau'n brysur iawn a nes i stopio. Rhaid i fi gario ymlaen!